Perkins these are mine. One lump is a lot higher than the other.
I was looking for dark grey pearls when I bought the Overstock ones. There's red and blue and maybe green peeking out there -- so if you're looking to stay in shades of grey, no go. But not enough colour to actually clash with anything, mostly.
I say get them whichever you feel like. The purses are a bit more 'spensive, but mostly still under $20.
I love the 2nd and 4th ones. Exactly the kind of thing I would never buy for myself but always want.
Well, it is a minute before 5 and I'm still employed. Not going to be certain until 5 on Friday, but....
Well, it is something.
I loved getting purses. I also got necklaces, but hey - I was a lucky girl.
Maybe you could just do dangly earrings for the girls.
For the first time in seven years, there will be leap-second this year.
On December 31, 2005, the time 12:59 will last for 61 seconds.
I wonder how that will affect the New Years countdown....
Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. One. Zero - Happy New Year!
Maybe you could just do dangly earrings for the girls.
Ooh, I like the sound of that. Esp. if the front/top of the dress is so pretty it doesn't "need" a neclace. But then, I'm not a big necklace wearer, anyway.
Well, it is something.
Something's better than nothing.
And just as I was getting ready to stroll on over to Filene's Basement, we're getting a thunderstorm. Someone doesn't want me shopping today....
Ooh, I like the second purse.
Empress, they're also getting black shawls to wear in the church (and outside if they desire) and a pair of flip-flops for the reception. I'm not going to make them wear dress shoes the entire time. The necklace and/or purse will complete the giftage.
It appears as if I'm highly prone to suggestion today. Pretty earrings.
I am blessed by Buffistae with good taste and fashion sense. Praise your deity of choice!