For the first time in seven years, there will be leap-second this year.
On December 31, 2005, the time 12:59 will last for 61 seconds.
I wonder how that will affect the New Years countdown....
Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. One. Zero - Happy New Year!
Maybe you could just do dangly earrings for the girls.
Ooh, I like the sound of that. Esp. if the front/top of the dress is so pretty it doesn't "need" a neclace. But then, I'm not a big necklace wearer, anyway.
Well, it is something.
Something's better than nothing.
And just as I was getting ready to stroll on over to Filene's Basement, we're getting a thunderstorm. Someone doesn't want me shopping today....
Ooh, I like the second purse.
Empress, they're also getting black shawls to wear in the church (and outside if they desire) and a pair of flip-flops for the reception. I'm not going to make them wear dress shoes the entire time. The necklace and/or purse will complete the giftage.
It appears as if I'm highly prone to suggestion today. Pretty earrings.
I am blessed by Buffistae with good taste and fashion sense. Praise your deity of choice!
Must. Stop. Clicking. Pretty. Links.
How freaking irritating.
The spot where I got the cortisone/xylocaine injection last week has flowered in red bruising, aches, and is slightly numb to the touch. On the upside, the ailment I needed steroided is asymptomatic.
I just didn't know it was a tradeoff. If it's still doing this tomorrow, I'll have to call the ortho. In the meanwhile, I'm left handed.
Y'know. I should put together a shopper's tour of Dallas. It's one thing we really have going for us. I could schedule it for when Neiman's does their rack sales, get my store to do a sale, put Sam Moon and all the other stores like that on the list, Grapevine Mills outlet mall and the ones on Alpha. Plus North Park, The Crescent, and the shops over in HP for high rollers.
Maria, if you end up giving them matching purses, you can put a little different colored ribbon or silk flower on each one for the day of the wedding so they don't spend their lives figuring out who's pourse is who's.
Something's better than nothing.
I guess. I am SO AMBIVALENT.
Which tells me something I should know.