I am always perplexed by women who seem to have matched not just jacket, skirt, and hat, but jacket, skirt, hat, shoes, and purse, all in the same (non-black) color.
That always makes me grin.
The only strict color-matching rule I have is that pink shoes are only worn with pink fishnets. And possibly a pink petticoat. The rest of the outfit can be black, stripey, or both.
I don't own a purse.
I do own fairly light/gauzy skirts, and I wear a SLIP under them. I'm wearing one right now, AIFG! I'm alarmed that it was about 50 posts about colored underpants before anyone mentioned the idea of the slip.(I am a late-comer to the whole slip thing - maybe when I'm 45 I'll take up purses.)
The generation gap movie was pretty dumb and dull. Except I found that all the "negative" stereotypes of generation X were actually positive (like, brusque and focussed on the bottom line), and all the "positive" stereotypes of Baby Boomer were actually negative or pointless (like, believes in cultivating personal relationships). So I guess I am indeed guilty of being an Xer. But at least I read my frickin' email!
Maria, that's a beautiful dress! If I see a necklace, I'll let you know.
I always wonder if these people have several matched sets of shoes and purses, or if they only ever wear lime green.
Sort of. I do it a bit, but not nearly as much as a friend of mine. For her, she has different sets of colors. So black and white stuff, neutral stuff, pastel stuff, bright colored stuff. Then the shoes, purse, and other accessories match those categories. So, she may have a baby blue purse that goes with the pastel striped skirt and also with the baby blue shirt/khaki skirt combo. She's really very good at the matching without being overly matchy.
I'm alarmed that it was about 50 posts about colored underpants before anyone mentioned the idea of the slip.
I don't like slips. If I'm wearing a light, gauzy skirt, I don't want the added layer of a slip.
I do own fairly light/gauzy skirts, and I wear a SLIP under them
What colour slip? I mean -- unders are unders -- unless the slip exactly matches the skirt in cut or the flesh in tone, isn't it visible somehow?
What kind of thing are you looking for, Maria? How about
Black pearls: [link]
Sterling with garnet and marcasite: [link]
I guess it depends what the beading on the front looks like.
I own a slip, but I usually wear it as a dress or nightgown.
I am not very modest at all.
I've been looking on Overstock for most of the afternoon. How come I didn't find those? Hmph.
I looove the marcasite and garnet one. That's close to what I was picturing in my head. The black pearls are a good idea too.