Hey, I was talking to flea, missybossylady.
Officemate is off to a meeting for the sole purpose of ferretting out dirt. He's so gossipy (but not maliciously) it is funny. He doesn't pass around stuff that makes people look bad(well, except maybe mgmt) , but oh, he has to know every other kind of rumor.
SOMEBODY (cough*ita*cough) has made my screen go all kerflooey.
SOMEBODY (cough*ita*cough) has made my screen go all kerflooey.
Define kerflooey -- what happened? It's harmless in my browser.
*Someone* (named Jessica) doesn't click on my links.
Define kerflooey -- what happened? It's harmless in my browser.
It was just too wide for my itty-bitty screen.
do you have an instinctive physical reaction to an exclamation of CHAPEAU!?
Mais, non. Ju suis une pomme de terre! (In other words, I am so not French.) We were more of a one potato, two potato kind of crowd.
and also because one potato is not weird. still not convinced it's real, only convinced it is funny.
*someone* names her links too cryptically for *someone* to click on before lunch
Very pretty iPod. Though I might use a wood burning tool to mark the wheel.