And more (also, I made the discovery that I've been COMMed way more than I ought to be, because I am NOT that funny):
shrift: All my dresses are things like black lycra with speedracer stripes, animal print miniskirts, brown suede... well, it would suffice to say that I own no dresses that are appropriate for running along the beach with my mother in a feminine hygiene product commercial.
* * * * *
Tom S:
Now I'm imagining Middle Earth PSAs: Hi, Frodo here. I'm here to tell you that owning the One Ring is not cool. Just Say No to the One Ring.
This is your brain. This is your brain after looking into the Palantir. Any questions?
* * * * *
PMM: I have a theory that any children we have will be short, round little things with a good deal of hair and large eyes. Fat lemurs, really.
* * * * *
msbelle: I think we should all celebrate and exemplify the passive worker.
juliana: I would prefer not to.
* * * * *
Sue: Spike now has the soul of the Master Thespian.
* * * * *
And finally....
Hecubus: Formless entities need love too.
Amych: Sure, but do they really need nipples?
PMM: Sure! Where else would the tequila come from?
Sophia: If I die, and it turns out that God has tequila-spouting nipples, I will expire again from laughter. Then again, I will probably never know, as I may be going straight to hell just for saying that.
PMM: G-d is perfection. Of course G-d's nipples spout 100% blue agave tequila, and G-d's tears dry instantly to sharp, perfect crystals of salt. And G-d sweats lime.
cashmere: congratulations, this has converted this agnostic. praise the lord.