I know people who fear Home Depot and their ilk, and I just don't quite understand.
Of course, mom used to take me as a little kid to the hardware stores on really humid days(pre-home depot, but it had AIR CONDITIONING) and we'd pick out new fixtures and cabinets for imaginary bathrooms and kitchens. We'd debate the merits of different styles, etc. So maybe it is bred into me.
But I got to see Roger Clemens pitch, which was sweet.
DH is jealous.
eta: That's not a designated hitter joke.
I avoided Home Depot by doing some drinking and going to the movies. It really has been a perfect day here. Too bad I spent most of it inside!
And was Rahjah on his game? He strikes me as a slightly, um,
guy. That can't be good for him; his blood pressure's got to be astronomical.
You know, this is my first year of giving a shit about the All-Star game, and the ways of choosing the roster makes no sense. The way to get onto the roster is to be mediocre-to-good on a team nobody cares about; you won't get voted in, but because your team has to be represented, you'll make it there. I mean, Dannys Baez? Really?
In about three hours the NASA probe-thigie will hit that comet... hopefully.
On NPR they described it as hitting a 9 mile long pickle shaped dirty iceball with a washing machine. The NASA guys crack me up.
NASA is all like, "Watch us spank that comet without breakig a sweat. Now give us more money for giant rockets like these.
Yeah, I got coworkers on call for this. Missing their vacation day.And it might miss. BUT MY FORMULA FOR RIGHT ASCENSION IS STILL RIGHT.
Sorry. Residual issues there.
Yeah, I got coworkers on call for this. Missing their vacation day.And it might miss.
Well, that comet isn't going to spank itself....
There is a thunderstorm going by. Damn does it smell nice.