Can I make him a privateer? That's practically a pirate.
Have at, lass!
Also, this clearly explains why Nilly's last few blind dates have not worked out. She keeps getting set up with mere workaday mortal men, who are unfit to appreciate her Nillitude. If somebody would just set her up with a nice Orthodox pirate, it would clearly be so completely wrong it'd be perfectly Right. She's worthy of nothing less.
Also, this clearly explains why Nilly's last few blind dates have not worked out. If somebody would just set her up with a nice Orthodox pirate, it would clearly be so completely wrong it'd be perfectly Right.
I know one Orthodox guy who owns a parrot. Would that work?
Anybody know a good way to get over jetlag? Flying east, I was OK, but now, I keep falling asleep sometime around 8 and then waking up around 4, and I can't figure out a good way to make myself sleep longer.
I know one Orthodox guy who owns a parrot. Would that work?
If he can do a decent Dread Pirate Roberts impression, I think we've got something solid to work with.
Wolfram, there's a pet parade at AVAM at 10 am!
Seriously, fireworks are at 9:30 according to this schedule
I probably won't go down there. Or maybe I will. Traffic after is such a bitch and I don't like dealing with getting to the subway late.
Hil, I always had to FORCE myself to stay awake. No going to bed at 8 anymore, young lady. But it is a pain in the butt. I always have a hard time coming back.
My watch is dead. This is probably only significant to me in a haha, you wanna scoff at superstition, bitch!? way.
What an absolutely perfect day here in New England. Not a cloud in the sky, 75°, a light breeze. I spent the afternoon doing some long overdue trimming of all the assorted hedges and shrubs around Casa Machina. Despite the niceness of the day, it's still something probably best not done during the hottest part of the day, and now I am completely whipped. Not so whipped, however, that I wasn't able to take a nice cool shower to remove a thick layer of sweat, dirt, and minced shrubbery from my person. Now I am ready for a nice nap.
And I'm not wearing any pants.
Just finished the men's final -- it was
shorter than the women's --
I wonder how often that happens... Roddick was
good, but Federer was just that magical.
As a non-Roddick hater
it was difficult to watch him do so much right, and yet not enough. I imagine it must be very frustrating.
It surprised me that I cried after the men's, and not the women's. But
Venus was so damned happy,
Federer fell down, got up, and sat down and cried.
I can't even imagine.
Aw. Glad it was good tennis for you.
My compressor seems to be stuck on. Ducks, QUIT IT.
I think I'm going to have to cut power to it and see if it thaws out whatever switch is stuck on.