Timelies all!
Happy Birthday sj!
Happy anniversary Beverly!
All this gardening talk reminds me that I'm gonna have to do some research
after we move into the townhouse. There's some plants in the small backyard which I don't know what they are.(I only got a brief look at them and don't remember a thing) I'll need to find out what they are, and how much work they require.
That is a thought, Perkins. If I went into Home Depot, would they be able to tell me what I need for a window box?
Bev wrote herbal porn. Thanks.
Cass speaks for me.
Happy Birthday, Sj!!
Happy Anniversary, Beverly and DH!!
On the cat front --
We took Max to a grooming yesterday. His chest and stomach were very badly matted. Unfortunately, the groomer gave him a "lion cut." Basically, this means that his body was shaved, except for his face, tail, and the area around his paws.
This, on a very long-haired Himalayan. He's much smaller than he was.
He's very upset. His twin sister, Marie, doesn't even recognize him and has hissed at him a few times.
We keep telling ourselves it'll grow back.
Happy Birthday sj!
Happy Anniversary, Bev and DH!
I am now off in search of salmon-free pizza.
Aw, poor Max!
My friends' Pomeranian got a summer haircut that somehow makes him look bigger. I guess it's because you can see now that he does have the proportions of a big dog, and isn't just a puff ball.
It will indeed grow back, Fred. In the meantime, if his sister's still hissing, run your hands through their dry food and pet him, then do it again and pet his sister. This will make them both smell familiar and associated with something pleasant, although not actually foodlike in themselves.
Er, if they eat only wet food, I got nothin'.
Jesse, it's late in the season, but someone in the H&G department at HD should be able to help you. Ask the other H&G people who you should talk to. Usually there's someone working in that department because they know their stuff. The rest are just there on rotation or something.
Hee. Thanks guys. I do get a little lyrical about the herbs. But the reward on a hot summer day of a bouquet of herbal scents is payment for watering and picking up dead leaves and spent flowers. One nice thing about pot gardening is the lack of weeding. We do have a pot of mixed pink petunias and three hibiscus: double apricot, single red and single red-throated yellow for color. But I love the scents, myself.
Okay, time to go be anniversary-ish.
Er, if they eat only wet food, I got nothin'.
Similar trick, actually. If they only eat wet food, brew up some catnip tea (just catnip and hot water -- nothing fancy), let it cool, and then mist Max with it.
amych! Married lady! Never see you anymore, to post with, I mean. How's things?
Usually there's someone working in that department because they know their stuff.
I'm not entirely confident this will be the case at my local HD, but if I can get my ass off the sofa, maybe I will take a walk up there.