I have 3 tin planters on my balcony containing a minirosebush, verbena, snapdragons, violas, alyssum, salvia and a wildly growing lemon thyme plant.
I like growing stuff.
I found a dress for the wedding. It's black with tiny white polkadots, v-wrap neck (yikes, cleavage) sundress, mid-calf length with a slight flare and 2 layers,. Trimmed with teeny white scallops. Silky fabric, may actually be, but has no labels. I need to put in a couple of tucks on account of the boobs, but it is doable.
Now how to accessorize it? I figure I'll wear my black spectatorish (?) anklestrap heels. Need to find an appropriate wrap in case the church and reception are cold. Juliana, Kat,Jesse, msbelle, anyone? You guys are good with these sorts of things.
I would suggest a pink wrap. Pink and black/white look fab together.
Pizza or spring rolls and lemongrass soup?
Some cherry tomato plants are very big. I've had Sweet 100s get 7 feet tall, and I ended up tying them to increasingly taller stakes.
Here's information:
Tomato Lilliput F1 Hybrid. Franchi special selection. Red cherry. Very heavy crops of small round cherry tomatoes. Fruit set in clusters of 25 or so & hold well on the vine. Determinate grows to about 3 feet tall. Can be grown in a container. Early like most cherry types
So you'll need a stake or trellis that's three feet tall, and you'll need a bigger pot. I usually plant tomatoes with one of the slow-release fertilizers and then fertilize again when they start to set fruit. Tomatoes will develop roots along the stem, so you can get a better root structure if you clip off some lower leaves and plant the plant pretty deep.
I'm terrible with accessorizing! But I agree with Robin that pink is always appropriate, and better than black for a wedding.
And I, personally, can pimp mint as being quite ignorance friendly. I abandon mine at random times and most of it just keeps on making more baby mint plants.
Is mint the one that takes over everything? I think we had mint and oregano (among other things) in the back yard one year, but by the end of the summer those two were all that were left, and were taking over the neighborhood.
The plant that didn't die in my office, I decided I was caring for it like nature would -- sometimes there was a lot of rain all at once, other times not so much. It worked out.
Live 8 supper report: Gary Dourdan is on stage with DMC, some of Aerosmith and a dogs breakfast of other performers doing Walk this Way.
Oregano can get pretty weedy too, but mint is the devil.
I've managed to kill morning glory by watering and nurturing it. And in less time than it takes for the Treflan people usually recommend for scouring all vegetation away down to bare soil.
I've killed basil, parsley, mint, and rosemary.
In my defense, the basil was killed when I clipped all of its leaves for pesto (the remaining plant, um, went into shock at having so much trimmed at once), and the mint was neglected for well over a month. So now I don't grow anything edible.