Yikes, sorry about the nosebleed and delay, Perkins, but it does seem a little omen-ish. Take care this weekend and get some rest.
I slept in like I haven't slept in for a while today. Though I am not sure if it counts as sleeping in, or just a really early nap since I was up from 4:45 until just after 7 when I fell back asleep for almost three hours.
My day has consisted of alternating lazing around and short controlled bursts of getting things done. The last load of laundry is laundering even. I am also doing thank you notes for my birthday which I should have done about ten days ago but I didn't.
I should also do stuff outside but that will require pants and I am sans pants still. I have coffee, I feel no need for pants.
Now I need to figure out which threads to skip and which to skim...
My cats have fleas. Ugh.
Must go clean the house. Stupid cats.
Last night we had some friends over for a barbeque and it was very very fun.
I did not totally suck at dog class this morning.
Tonight I go to the movies.
Tomorrow, I go buy new shoes.
A very jolly holiday weekend!
Aw, Perkins, poor you!
So are you doing anything on the 4th? 'Cause I for one am doing absolutely nothing. I have a feeling Hec is going to devote the day to the pleasures of indolence, but it's possible that I could be lured out of SF for cat visitage and Veronica Mars and such.
eta: Also, yay for Robin's new shoes and dog class nonsuckage! Are there any recent puppy pictures?
So are you doing anything on the 4th? 'Cause I for one am doing absolutely nothing. I have a feeling Hec is going to devote the day to the pleasures of indolence, but it's possible that I could be lured out of SF for cat visitage and Veronica Mars and such.
Ooooh, that sounds like fun. Want to come down?
No, JZ you cute thing, but maybe we can take some today.
My cats have fleas. Ugh.
Ugh, indeed. I am hella 'lugic to those bites.
I've found that 20 Mule Team Borax on the floors and Advantage on the critters is the best way to kill them totally dead. Bombs and sprays have just never worked for me. The borax rocks something fierce. And the major bonus of not being something nasty and chemical. Advantage
nasty and chemical but it really works on the cats.
I have the Advantage on them already Cass. (I was at the vet's within an hour of finding a flea on me.) I'm just about to wash the bedding and vacuum. After that, we'll see. I have some carpet spray for fleas that's been effective before, but I hate to use it unless we're totally infested. Maybe I'll get some Borax.
I would totally rec the borax. Seriously, nothing else ever worked for me. I wash everything and then do the floors (and couches and stuff if it is a bad infest). Sprinkle the borax on, vacuum up later (an hour usually but I have left it overnight when I have been just a wee bit obsessive), enough will stay and it just desicates them dead.
But then, as I said, I am really really allergic to fleas and apparently really tasty so if there is a flea, I get bit and if I get bit, it gets infected. So I really want fleas dead and gone for sure.
And, since it took me a while to find it the first time, borax is findable in the laundry aisle.
I think my toaster oven is about ready to go to appliance heaven. Does anyone have a brand/model they would recommend?