I would totally rec the borax. Seriously, nothing else ever worked for me. I wash everything and then do the floors (and couches and stuff if it is a bad infest). Sprinkle the borax on, vacuum up later (an hour usually but I have left it overnight when I have been just a wee bit obsessive), enough will stay and it just desicates them dead.
But then, as I said, I am really really allergic to fleas and apparently really tasty so if there is a flea, I get bit and if I get bit, it gets infected. So I really want fleas dead and gone for sure.
And, since it took me a while to find it the first time, borax is findable in the laundry aisle.
I think my toaster oven is about ready to go to appliance heaven. Does anyone have a brand/model they would recommend?
Perkins, I think that's highly likely. I'm off to a friend's birthday BBQ but I'll check in or Gmail you later.
Ah, the crowd are booing the announcers as they introduce Celine Dion at the Canadian Live8 concert. All is right with the world.
Back from errands. We also looked at carpets, as we have to replace the dining room/living room carpet(and possibly the master bedroom carpet as well) before we put the condo on the market. It's a little difficult to find matching carpet when you don't have a sample of the existing carpet at hand...
Want to come down?
Oh, wait, that's to JZ and I live no where close enough to visit. Dang. Have fun without me!
Ah, the crowd are booing the announcers as they introduce Celine Dion at the Canadian Live8 concert. All is right with the world.
Life is indeed good. When did I get to be so mean?
Ah, the crowd are booing the announcers as they introduce Celine Dion at the Canadian Live8 concert. All is right with the world.
Well, she was never intended to be deployed in her own country.
Happy Birthday, Frankenbuddha!
The mail lady and potential dvds in my mailbox just conspired to make me put on pants. Temporarily.
But now I have the first disc of the first season of Forever Knight. Deborah Duchene might very well have been my first inkling that I skewed notstraight.
I also watered the lawn, the mint, some white with purple daisy-ish thing and the jasmine. Then planted my basil for the summer very late. I have a mini tomato plant to plant also but I forgot what I am supposed to do with it. The guy at the farmer's market told me last Sunday when I bought it but I must have tuned out. Something about training it? I need the hivemind obviously.
a meara...
the 10 least affordable cities for paycheck earners are
All of the West Coast places that I have lived in or want to... Not surpised, but I hate being reminded.
I wonder if they factor in the cost of owning a car into their calculations
Tom, I added up the costs of owning, maintaining, running and insuring my car the other day and damn near passed out at the final number.
God, I wish I didn't just love San Diego. It's obviously an abusive relationship.
Intelligent smart bath
This, however, might be the best thing ever. I love baths. My bath caddy can hold bath goodies, a book, a candle and a glass of wine. A few more candles scattered about the room and my iPod and I am set for a nice long soak. My tub is original to the house (1928) I think and very deep and long. Also cast iron. Takes two fills of dinky old hot water heater to get a nice bath but it holds the temperature beautifully once filled.
Plus then you hear about these attacks and how sharks are out of control, etc. Which means people will decide to kill and maim sharks and I hate that.
I think violent videogames and the sexually permissive media has lead to a generation of sharks mired in an anything-goes, relativistic morality.
I am big with the shark fear, but even I know that it is all about the peer pressure. One shark bites a kid, and then they all have to just to still seem all cool... Shark schools can be a rough place.
Happy Birthday, Frank!
Boo on the pants, Cass. What's up with
This, however, might be the best thing ever. I love baths. My bath caddy can hold bath goodies, a book, a candle and a glass of wine. A few more candles scattered about the room and my iPod and I am set for a nice long soak. My tub is original to the house (1928) I think and very deep and long. Also cast iron. Takes two fills of dinky old hot water heater to get a nice bath but it holds the temperature beautifully once filled.
Jealous now. I am leaving my lovely CT tub for a place with no bathtub at all, just a shower stall.
The guy at the farmer's market told me last Sunday when I bought it but I must have tuned out. Something about training it? I need the hivemind obviously.
You'll need a little trellis thingy for it to grow on. As it grows, you'll need to weave it through the trellis thingy so it won't fall down. There may be more involved, but I know that much.
I need to eat something.