Ugh. Just got back from the car dealership mechanic's, where I was informed that I spent $60 for a frickin' radiator flush in addition to the more legitimate $140 on labor looking for the cause of my engine's overheating problem. And over the course of 3 hours, every single person I've encountered except the rental car guy has been incompetent, actively working counter to me, or both.
I had planned to join best friend and his kids at another friend's pool party, but am now cancelling for fear of what the chlorine would do to my eye once this headache makes it squirt out of my head like in Evil Dead 2.
And of course the remodeler has picked now to start banging repeatedly on some metal pipe down on the first floor.
Foundation Room.
? (I'm too lazy to google)
The Foundation Room. The one in Vegas is at the top of the Mandalay Bay.
Oooh. I like that.
The suites at THEhotel at MB are really expensive, but I am still tempted by them.
Mandaly Bay's China Grill also has an interesting unisex bathroom. I've been in it. But I wouldn't say it's the best uni I've ever been in.
Yikes, Perkins! I hope you're okay, and when you're out here in two weeks, we'll do fun stuff.
Yikes, sorry about the nosebleed and delay, Perkins, but it does seem a little omen-ish. Take care this weekend and get some rest.
I slept in like I haven't slept in for a while today. Though I am not sure if it counts as sleeping in, or just a really early nap since I was up from 4:45 until just after 7 when I fell back asleep for almost three hours.
My day has consisted of alternating lazing around and short controlled bursts of getting things done. The last load of laundry is laundering even. I am also doing thank you notes for my birthday which I should have done about ten days ago but I didn't.
I should also do stuff outside but that will require pants and I am sans pants still. I have coffee, I feel no need for pants.
Now I need to figure out which threads to skip and which to skim...
My cats have fleas. Ugh.
Must go clean the house. Stupid cats.
Last night we had some friends over for a barbeque and it was very very fun.
I did not totally suck at dog class this morning.
Tonight I go to the movies.
Tomorrow, I go buy new shoes.
A very jolly holiday weekend!