Sophia -- does your lease say no heating, it doesn't seem right that they can just change it if you've signed something.
I haven't signed anything. Basically they don't seem to want me to sign until they are ready for me to move in. It is driving me CRAZY! it i smaking me regret going back on my plan to never rent from a company, only an individual.
DH lived in Columbus, GA for a year, 2 years ago. Whenever I visited him, I hated it with a passion stronger than I've hated any place we've ever lived.
Atlanta, OTOH, was very cool (not in temperature, though). Great restaurants, fun stuff to do, and good shopping. After about 2 visits, DH and I started having my visits in Atlanta only.
Narrator -- If she doesn't already know it, you should introduce your niece to the AAMilne poem about how awesome being six is. Edit: Here [link]
Thanks! That's a great poem for her. I'll make sure she sees it.
I lived in Atlanta for a few years. It took me a while to get into it - maybe six months - but I ended up really liking it. Public transit is the suck though, unless your start and end points are right on the metro line. Virginia Highlands/Midtown/Little Five Points are nice though, with lots of stuff to do, easy going, and easy to get around so the transit thing isn't such a big deal. Decatur's not bad either, though a little farther out. Personally, I avoid Buckhead like the plague.
I have an upset stomach. Makes me not want to go into work, but looking at linoleum makes me not want to go into work. Plus, it'll be settled before I even finish the commute.
Doesn't make me feel better
Cool shopping site that is being put towards my motivation to go into work, since I forbid myself to look at it here.
This morning Leif was looking up at the ceiling fan and announed. "I don't like the fan". I asked him why and he replied "I need to break it". I'm nervous that he'll find a way to do it. Earlier in the morning he got into the toilet paper supply and built a toilet paper tower taller than he is.
When my nephew was wee, he was very suspicious of ceiling fans. Once he'd notice them, he'd glare at them for minutes on end, until something else distracted him.
Of course now, he's more likely to try to get something caught on the fan. Oh the fun when he got a helium filled balloon tied to it!
Cool shopping site that is being put towards my motivation to go into work, since I forbid myself to look at it here.
Damn, that stuff is fabulous.
This morning Leif was looking up at the ceiling fan and announed. "I don't like the fan". I asked him why and he replied "I need to break it".
Evil genius apples don't fall far from the tree, do they?
ita's site inspired me to think about buying local art. I was looking at these rings at the Art College's student art store yesterday. They're silver, and have a very rough setting into which little balls of felted wool are set. They're gorgeous. If I buy any jewellry, it's going to be that.