Congrats Nora and Tom!
Oh how I wish I'd been downtown today:
Brilliant! It seems that Snapple wanted to break some Guinness Book of World Records record by having the largest popsicle EVER and decided that Union Square would be the place to do it. Except the popsicle melted, with juice going everyone, causing all sorts of commotions, from bikers falling to the police and fire departments being called in to handle the situation.
Oh yeah, I'm v. v. sad not to have been in Union Square today.
I'm now having Keen lust. I want a pair of those, badly.
House has been achieved? Awright. Now I can snag some house ma. Or, apartment ma.
Does it make sense on any planet than an apartment's utilities (aggregated) can balloon from $40/person/month to $200 person/month between summer and winter? I know there is heating and shit, but 5x difference? I am trying to figure out whether the tenants in this place currently hold weekly light shows, or what.
Want parking, included utilities, lots of space, storage, washer/dryer, dishwasher, good neighborhood, responsive landlord, and a pony all in one place. Okay, the pony can be outside.
Seeing 2 more places tomorrow. Yeesh.
I am leaving work now, and I'm going to stop to get sushi on the way home.
Are you all jealous yet?
Does it make sense on any planet than an apartment's utilities (aggregated) can balloon from $40/person/month to $200 person/month between summer and winter?
Only if it's electric heat and/or totally uninsulated.
Are you all jealous yet?
I've been home all day and I had sushi yesterday.
Does it make sense on any planet than an apartment's utilities (aggregated) can balloon from $40/person/month to $200 person/month between summer and winter?
You probably have neighbors who leave windows open in the winter. My last roommate did that. I was glad heat was included in the rent.
Woo hoo McWaringles (sp?) - on the House!
And speaking of: I'm watching
right now and at about half-past the hour: promo for
, DB's new show. I somehow didn't notice when it's going to be on -- except this Fall. I enjoy fictional forensic anthropology and it will be fun to watch DB on tv again.
I'd like to officially welcome the McWaringles as my new (way across town) neighbors in Witch City.
If I find time between work and the frelling July 4 wedding I'm one of the groom's men at (which is the same day as my annual family gathering in Maine and two days after my birthday), I'll definitely buy you both a pint at McSwiggans or Beer Works.