Woo hoo McWaringles (sp?) - on the House!
And speaking of: I'm watching
right now and at about half-past the hour: promo for
, DB's new show. I somehow didn't notice when it's going to be on -- except this Fall. I enjoy fictional forensic anthropology and it will be fun to watch DB on tv again.
I'd like to officially welcome the McWaringles as my new (way across town) neighbors in Witch City.
If I find time between work and the frelling July 4 wedding I'm one of the groom's men at (which is the same day as my annual family gathering in Maine and two days after my birthday), I'll definitely buy you both a pint at McSwiggans or Beer Works.
ok meara:
one of my cats also does not like tuna, nor canned salmon, nor most cat treats.
Cruxifiction, bad. still. crazy priest no biscuit.
YAY for homebuying!!
sara needs new job. get the resume out for review, stat.
hmm, there was more, but now I forget.
oh, must remember to watch local news to see giant popcicle mess. glad I wasn't anywhere near it, but would love to see it.
Yay on new homes for Nora and Tom, and Sheryl and Gary!
It's like a home buying epidemic!
I've been home all day and I had sushi yesterday.
Yeah, but does your ipod have a name?
Yeah, but does your ipod have a name?
I went with Chaillot. I'm not sure how satisfied I am with the name, but it does kinda go with aurelia.
the snapple snafu was much less funny on tv than what I imagined.
Do they make art nouveau skins for iPods?