William Peter Blatty had Father Merrin expound on demonic possession, and I assume he did beaucoup research on the official Catholic position. According to said fictional priest, the demon wasn't actually supposed to be able to touch the soul or will of its innocent host, just do awful things to/with the body. The possession was actually a spiritual attack on those around the possessed (including the exorcist), intended to drive them into despair and sin.
There's a fair number of theologians who don't believe a Christian (not nominal) can be possessed, because a Christian has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. There's no specific doctrine in the Bible to support this, but there are passages people interpret as support for it. They do believe they can be oppressed (so, from the outside) but not possessed.
Yeah, what does SWAG stand for, anyhow?
Scientific Wild Assed Guess.
At least around these here parts.
Lori, I'll try the Keens. Merrells had the same problem that all the other ones that weren't Birks had, in that they caught over my arch and wouldn't budge. Sad making, as they were not too horrible to look at, and about half the price of the Birks I have on order.
Hooray for the McWaringles, Home Owners!!
Plei - REI, of which you have several, usually has lots of Keens in stock, but they are being carried by lots of resellers these days. Also, reading through the testimonials at the Crocs site makes me realize that I really really do love those shoes, and wear them whenever I can. Actual arch support for short feet, high arches. And cush.
Congrats Nora and Tom!
Oh how I wish I'd been downtown today:
Brilliant! It seems that Snapple wanted to break some Guinness Book of World Records record by having the largest popsicle EVER and decided that Union Square would be the place to do it. Except the popsicle melted, with juice going everyone, causing all sorts of commotions, from bikers falling to the police and fire departments being called in to handle the situation.
Oh yeah, I'm v. v. sad not to have been in Union Square today.