Ooo. Shiny. I want them all.
I need shoe advice.
Post-baby, it turns out I'm still about a 6, but they've spread just enough that I'm now a 6C instead of a 6B. To top it off, I think my feet are just plain thicker on the vertical than most people's feet, because nothing that the sales people thought would fit did. I spent today trying on various "comfortable" shoes (Danskos, Borns, that sort of thing) and couldn't find a good fit. The guy at The Walking Company suggested Birks. I hate Birks. I mean, I'll break down and have my Bostons resoled, but I still think they're FUGLY. It's a thing.
So, I need a source for wide-ish stylish affordable shoes. Soon. Don't suggest Nordstroms, because for some reason, I have a clock of invisibility when I'm in their shoe section. I can stand there HOLDING a shoe, staring right at a sales person, and be shunned. Fuckers. Anyhow.
My feet, as a result of the fact that almost none of my shoes fit me well, are in constant pain.
This is officially more frustrating than bra shopping. (38G/H is hard to find even in nursing bras, and pretty is flat out.)
a clock of invisibility
Great idea!
I have nothing helpful, other than to offer commiseration. I had to let out my Tevas to accomodate the newly widened feet. My sister keeps trying to get me to wear Birks, but I just can't. I can cram my feet into my cool shoes, but not into my running shoes.
Sierra Trading Company [link] usually has "comfortable" shoes at good prices, though - you might look there.
Birks are such a last resort for me. It's a gut-level dislike.
I've heard good things about Rieker shoes, but have to find a place local that sells them first. I'd try Mephistos, but I'd be afraid they'd fit. I saw a pair that looked both comfortable, wide enough, and stylish, but at $255 were more than I've spent on anything I'd wear on my feet.
(38G/H is hard to find even in nursing bras, and pretty is flat out.)
Plei, have you tried Decent Exposures? Not necessarily pretty, but ridiculously comfortable, come with nursing flaps if required, and in pretty much every conceivable size. They do adjustments for free if needed, and I think they're in your neck of the woods. I love mine.
My feet are about the only thing which haven't changed size, this time around....
Plei, have you tried Decent Exposures? Not necessarily pretty, but ridiculously comfortable, come with nursing flaps if required, and in pretty much every conceivable size. They do adjustments for free if needed, and I think they're in your neck of the woods. I love mine.
I keep meaning to, as they are in my neck of the woods and do fittings. I just have been too lazy to make an appointment when my Bravados fit the same basic bill.
My real need is for at least one comfortable structured bra, as I have a wedding to go to at the end of July, but as I've yet to find nursing-friendly formalwear, I'm not sweating the bra too hard.
Plei, have you tried Clarks? My mom has good things to say and what I have tried on have been comfy.
So, I was up at 5:20 today. tried a couple of times to go back to sleep, but finally decided that if I wake up unassistted, maybe my body is trying to tell me something. we'll see how I'm doing tonight.
Still an hour and a half before I need to even think of leaving. Off to make big yummy omlette.
Timelies. Finally caught up - I hate when I get behind on the weekends; most of the time the conversation has shot past something I would have enjoyed discussing, and I prefer not to try to drag it back at that point.
First world problems, I know.
Plei, lets you search by size. While I can't swear they have what you're looking for, they do show 800 shoes in 6C.
Happy Birthday EpicTangent and tiggy!
He ... he ... he looks ill to me. It'll take me a second to adjust.
I've heard a crazy story about him going around the clock and not sleeping for days, then getting Bryan Singer to come and direct for a day so he could sleep.