(38G/H is hard to find even in nursing bras, and pretty is flat out.)
Plei, have you tried Decent Exposures? Not necessarily pretty, but ridiculously comfortable, come with nursing flaps if required, and in pretty much every conceivable size. They do adjustments for free if needed, and I think they're in your neck of the woods. I love mine.
My feet are about the only thing which haven't changed size, this time around....
Plei, have you tried Decent Exposures? Not necessarily pretty, but ridiculously comfortable, come with nursing flaps if required, and in pretty much every conceivable size. They do adjustments for free if needed, and I think they're in your neck of the woods. I love mine.
I keep meaning to, as they are in my neck of the woods and do fittings. I just have been too lazy to make an appointment when my Bravados fit the same basic bill.
My real need is for at least one comfortable structured bra, as I have a wedding to go to at the end of July, but as I've yet to find nursing-friendly formalwear, I'm not sweating the bra too hard.
Plei, have you tried Clarks? My mom has good things to say and what I have tried on have been comfy.
So, I was up at 5:20 today. tried a couple of times to go back to sleep, but finally decided that if I wake up unassistted, maybe my body is trying to tell me something. we'll see how I'm doing tonight.
Still an hour and a half before I need to even think of leaving. Off to make big yummy omlette.
Timelies. Finally caught up - I hate when I get behind on the weekends; most of the time the conversation has shot past something I would have enjoyed discussing, and I prefer not to try to drag it back at that point.
First world problems, I know.
Plei, zappos.com lets you search by size. While I can't swear they have what you're looking for, they do show 800 shoes in 6C.
Happy Birthday EpicTangent and tiggy!
He ... he ... he looks ill to me. It'll take me a second to adjust.
I've heard a crazy story about him going around the clock and not sleeping for days, then getting Bryan Singer to come and direct for a day so he could sleep.
summer summer summertime (summertime)
Clark's does have sandals with adjustable straps over the top of the foot, as well as at the heel. For the tall-footed, that may be ideal. (A bit granola-looking, as shoes go, but under $100, comfortable, and not made of plastic.) Ecco and Dansko also make comfortable shoes, but I don't know how well they fit the tall-footed.
"That's mighty white of you."
I have never heard this expression in my life, sarcastically or not. I have overheard someone complaining about being handed manual labor by asking, "What am I, black?" The woman in question had probably met 5 black people in her entire life (this was rural Maine), but sheesh.
In related news, the Boston Globe has a big article today about Native American mascot names on teams. The NCAA is asking schools for justifications of their racist mascotry -- big schools, like Illinois and Florida State. UMass used to be the Redmen, complete with be-feathered mascot, until 1972 when, with no outcry at all, the student body voted to change it to Minutemen/Minutewomen. It looks like you will pry the Seminoles and the Illini out of their respective colleges' alumni associations' cold, dead fingers.
Coincidentally to that, the Red Sox played the cleveland Indians last night, and I spent the evening cringeing at their idiotic emblem and doubly idiotic fan behaviors (drums, etc.). The Atlanta Braves are almost as bad, but at least they manage to avoid the caricature fron and center on their caps.
Sometimes, screaming liberals come off as namby-pamby "Oh I didn't mean to offend you" cakes. But, you know, happy to be holed up in the no-offend corner, even if that means I occasionally am required to sing Kumbaya.
The gold medal for thoughtless offensive speech has to go to my uncle who cracked some tasteless joke and then apologetically introduced himself to my cousin's new husband as "the black sheep of the family." The new husband being, of course, the first African-American to marry into our family. I felt like crawling under a rock after that one, and I was only a bystander.
See now that doesn't bother me at all.
Don't know how reliable this is:
black sheep: figurative use is supposedly because a real black sheep had wool that could not be dyed and was thus worthless. But one black sheep in a flock was considered good luck by shepherds in Sussex, Somerset, Kent, Derbyshire. Baa Baa Black Sheep nursery rhyme's first known publication is in "Tommy Thumb's Pretty Song Book" (c.1744).