Jesus, I don't even remember having this conversation with Emmett. Thank god for BRQG:
Emmett: Dad, can you name a monster for every letter in the alphabet, except for the vowels?
Me: So...starting with "B"?
Emmett: No, go ahead and do the vowels too.
Me: Okay. A is...Alien. B is a Balrog.... [bunch of other monsters] and L is....uh....
Emmett: Living Dead!
Me: Right. Good one. M is for Mummies. N is uh....hmmm.
Emmett: National Living Dead!
Me: Excellent choice.
Emmett: I know a good one for Z.
Me: Okay, I'll save that one for you. [bunch of other monsters] ...and U is for Undead. And V is for Voldemort. W is Werewolf. X is X-Ray Vision Man and Y is for Yeti and Z is?
Emmett: Zombie!
Me: Perfect.
Emmett: I helped with some. Like National Living Dead. That was a good one. It would be like a sport like National Football League. Except they wouldn't have any balls they'd just kick around their heads and their hands.
Funny how it never came up when people tried to bargain down at a show.
Welsh-cajun-whiting folks was just too long a verb.
Thanks, I was getting cranky.
Jew you out of all your money
My mother was shocked to hear this phrase from my grandmother a couple of years ago, as it was far from typical for her. I guess it was something she heard when she was a kid and some 60+ years later just said it without thinking about the implications. She was duly chastened when my mom called her on it.
We were no longer the most hated people in town!
Proof you were there! I think the Italians got the most disdain.
In the further adventures of annoy-sara-to-death, I came home to no water. There is a crew in a hole in the middle of the parking lot still, so I have hope, given it is waaay past quitting time. Plus, it looks like an actual company, not a bunch of bored stragglers dragged from the street and handed shovels. (Yes, I've seen that crew here before.)
Also? Tomorrow is going to SUCK. I've known since last week. I'd rather it didn't. I'd also prefer to have showered for it, rather than taken a bath with a pot.
Welsh-cajun-whiting folks was just too long a verb.
Plus, have you seen anything written in Welsh? Appalling lack of vowels.
In one of the sex discrimination cases my old firm handled, one of the women suing our client went on record
at a deposition
saying that one of her supervisors was unlikeable because he was "always trying to jew people down".
She then went on to repeat the phrase and define what she meant by it.
You could almost hear her attorney whimper.
So, 10 foot-pounds means that if you have a wrench that's a foot long then you'd apply 10 pounds of force at the end of the wrench, right?
See, I could understand someone not understand gyp being offensive. In fact, I bet most people would even spell it gip. I'm not even sure gypsies to the general populace means anything other than tambourines, skirts with coins, move around a lot.
Jew as a verb though? I don't buy. Don't even get me started on the different kinds of rigging to be done.
I'd have loved to sit in on that jury voir dire.