See, I could understand someone not understand gyp being offensive. In fact, I bet most people would even spell it gip. I'm not even sure gypsies to the general populace means anything other than tambourines, skirts with coins, move around a lot.
Jew as a verb though? I don't buy. Don't even get me started on the different kinds of rigging to be done.
I'd have loved to sit in on that jury voir dire.
tommy, it is a measure of work. A foot pound is the amount of energy requred to move a one lb object one foot. For torque, it is one lb on a one foot lever, so yeah. Multiply lever length by the force. My brain is failing. I actually had to google to kick start it.
I think my water is coming back.
Either that or my toilet is about to explode. And that would be GROSS.
So my next question is, can I approximate force in the range of 10-15 ft-lbs? Or should I buy a torque wrench? I figure I can just pull on the wrench with force equivelent to the weight of a bag of cat litter....
Depends on what you want to breakfix. Me? I'd go for the wrench. My physics education bears little resemblance to reality. Which is how I squashed my unsquashable structure (good thing I'm not an engineer) and how 180lbs of me jumping on the tire iron can't loosen a lug nut.
WooHoo! Only three more minutes until I can start the hour countdown!
Running water is a beautiful thing. Even if it is a little rusty.
You could almost hear her attorney whimper.
What was her explanation of what it meant?