I hate money. I really do.
I share your hate, I really do. Personally, I adore the widget in my head that beats me up for not being financially responsible
And I'm pretty fucking stable and debt free. I'm just...lame.
I'm only one generation removed from people who kept their life savings in a winter coat. In the henhouse.*
It shows.
* this proved to be a Very Good Thing when the house burned down. They had to restrain my grandfather from rushing into the burning house after the coat. He started laughing hysterically when grandma told him she'd moved their winter storage from the basement to the henhouse years previously.
Tell him to get to work on reviewing my book, now.
He pitched itto them right after we got it, Hec. They are saying they won't let him review any books, but that he can use you as a reference in an article. He is trying to wear them down about this, though, as he thinks it would be perfect to review. They are revamping the site and have been very disorganized editorially for the last month or so.
They are saying they won't let him review any books,
but that he can use you as a reference in an article.
If he reviews the new Go-Betweens record he could get a twofer by quoting Corwood from the book.
Great review and now I want Lisah's CD.
The BEST reaction anyone could have to the review. You can get the cd here:
Or, Hec, if you want to trade for maybe some cool mixes or something I can send you a copy.
I guess wheels are wheels. They go round.
the wheels on the moon go 'round and 'round, 'round and 'round, 'round and 'round..
Or, Hec, if you want to trade for maybe some cool mixes or something I can send you a copy.
Heh. I'd love to trade with you, but I always buy records by my friends.
I had to study our new code of ethics (26 pages. 26! pages!) and company handbook. My boss is out, the servers are pissy, and maintenance is putzing with the fire alarms. People are stupid, my coworkers are demonstrating learned helplessness, and my favorite bane of my existenceclient just submitted a bunch of requests.
Monday, you bastard, just wait until Tuesday gets here, and then you'll be sorry...
lisah, is it something that could be special ordered from my local music store? I know we could do such things for books at the bookstore, but I don't know if it works the same way with music.
lisah, is it something that could be special ordered from my local music store? I know we could do such things for books at the bookstore, but I don't know if it works the same way with music.
Oh my gosh, Lilty, I was actually thinking of suggesting researching how to buy our cd as a flirting device for you with your record story guy! So, you should totally do that!
In the meantime, you can get the cd at Atomic Books online. Here:
The company that pressed & packaged our cds was supposed to get it up on iTunes also but I think they may have dropped the ball on that. I'll have to get on them about it.
I guess if a record store wanted to carry our cd we could arrange that. I'm not sure how the whole business works. It's kind of a mystery.