lisah, is it something that could be special ordered from my local music store? I know we could do such things for books at the bookstore, but I don't know if it works the same way with music.
Oh my gosh, Lilty, I was actually thinking of suggesting researching how to buy our cd as a flirting device for you with your record story guy! So, you should totally do that!
In the meantime, you can get the cd at Atomic Books online. Here:
The company that pressed & packaged our cds was supposed to get it up on iTunes also but I think they may have dropped the ball on that. I'll have to get on them about it.
I guess if a record store wanted to carry our cd we could arrange that. I'm not sure how the whole business works. It's kind of a mystery.
So, my office's network has been down all day. We're now up to partial connectivity, meaning that I can get online (mostly), but I can't get to any of the networked databases I need to do my job. This must be the universe's way of telling me I should futz around online for the rest of the day.
was actually thinking of suggesting researching how to buy our cd as a flirting device for you with your record story guy! So, you should totally do that!
Great minds, lisah. Great minds.
People, I'm bored. Entertain me!
Great minds, lisah. Great minds.
that's what I'm talkin' 'bout.
FedEx needs to update their tracking more often.
Juggles kittens for Emily.
(No kittens were harmed in the making of this entertainment. They are acrobat kittens, and enjoy being juggled. Also, they are wearing capes.)
I have a random question, unless you're me and my sister, in which case you should have mentioned something earlier. How rude.
Anyway -- she noted, in response to an anecdote I was telling her, that she finds eastern European men very forthright. Markedly forthright, but not in the sort of aggressive way that might get a western guy in trouble, somehow.
My experience with eastern European cultures is much smaller than hers, but as far as guys go, it doesn't contradict her at all. Have other people noticed this, enough to call it a cultural distinction? Does it extend to women too?
For Lilty's sake, I hope the kittens are declawed.