I'll just put away some pre-tax, but not with house in mind. I can borrow against it anyway, to supplement, I guess.
Most companies will match a small amount of your contributions to 401k plans, such as the first 4%. So at the very least, you should be putting in that much, 'cause it's automatically doubled. If you're not contributing enough to get the match, you're basically turning down free money.
Space Zombies and 401(k)s, eh?
The BF reviewed Lisah's (awesome) CD.
Great review and now I want Lisah's CD. Tell him to get to work on reviewing my book, now.
That is a concern. The loan period is typically five years (unless it's for a house, when it can go longer). If you leave the plan before then, the loan comes due immediately. I assume that if you can't pay it off, it becomes an early withdrawal, so there will be penalties and taxes. My job is stable, and I pretty much plan to stay here til I retire, so it's not a problem for me.
I left my job with a few payments left on my 401K loan. They let me pay off the balance in the already scheduled payments under the current terms. I suspect this may vary from company to company, and it may depend on the size of the account.
So at the very least, you should be putting in that much, 'cause it's automatically doubled. If you're not contributing enough to get the match, you're basically turning down free money.
True -- where I work, 50% of your allocation is matched to a maximum of 3% of your gross salary.
if I need to save both for retirement and a house, it mightn't (and I'm saying this without having looked at my numbers) it might behoove me to have somewhat less money saved post-tax instead of the maximum pre-tax.
This was so much easier in MI when I really didn't want a house.
I hate money. I really do.
I share your hate, I really do. Personally, I adore the widget in my head that beats me up for not being financially responsible
And I'm pretty fucking stable and debt free. I'm just...lame.
I'm only one generation removed from people who kept their life savings in a winter coat. In the henhouse.*
It shows.
* this proved to be a Very Good Thing when the house burned down. They had to restrain my grandfather from rushing into the burning house after the coat. He started laughing hysterically when grandma told him she'd moved their winter storage from the basement to the henhouse years previously.
Tell him to get to work on reviewing my book, now.
He pitched itto them right after we got it, Hec. They are saying they won't let him review any books, but that he can use you as a reference in an article. He is trying to wear them down about this, though, as he thinks it would be perfect to review. They are revamping the site and have been very disorganized editorially for the last month or so.
They are saying they won't let him review any books,
but that he can use you as a reference in an article.
If he reviews the new Go-Betweens record he could get a twofer by quoting Corwood from the book.
Great review and now I want Lisah's CD.
The BEST reaction anyone could have to the review. You can get the cd here:
Or, Hec, if you want to trade for maybe some cool mixes or something I can send you a copy.
I guess wheels are wheels. They go round.
the wheels on the moon go 'round and 'round, 'round and 'round, 'round and 'round..
Or, Hec, if you want to trade for maybe some cool mixes or something I can send you a copy.
Heh. I'd love to trade with you, but I always buy records by my friends.