Hec! You poor over-baseball-saturated dad!
You, Mr. Hecubus, have been sending e-mails to my hotmail account, which I only check maybe once a week anymore. Gmail is my primary e-mail now, which you've been using, so the switch back to my hotmail address confuzzles me.
In any case, I wasn't ignoring those e-mails; I just didn't know I had them until today, when I checked hotmail.
There, you're a third of the way there.
Excellent! Alas, I have another year of school left, and then I'll be licensed to teach only in this state, and all in all a move to California is a far, far future plan. But somedays I'd like to chuck it. If only there weren't that pesky money thing!
On the up side, I know now how to use trigonometry for certain somewhat contrived problems. So go me!
Should go to bed now. Don't wanna. Maybe I'll take trigonometry with me. Good night, all.
Now I need to find a shooting range with classes.
ita wants to go skeet surfing with Val Kilmer.
Have seen the Bat movie. Joins ita with the squeeage.
Poking head to post that, according to the Buffista Calendar, today is PMM's birthday. Happy birthday, Plei! With lots of wishes for a great day and a wonderful year!
Hippo Birdies, PMM!
This is the earliest I've been awake in days. It feels wrong, somehow.
If life treats me well, I should see the Bat movie today. I did see
Howl's Moving Castle
yesterday, which was damn damn good, and I'm surprised that the Buffistas haven't been mentioning it much. Damn.
Happy Birthday, Plei!
Heh. John Tynes edited the last film Paul shot.
If I'm not mistaken he also scripted Aaron Vanek's adaptation of The Yellow Sign. Which I must show you and the other Seattle peeps if you haven't already seen it—it's a great mood piece with some really disturbing imagery. (Also a hilariously over-the-top job of ACK-TING by the male lead...)