Hippo Birdies, PMM!
This is the earliest I've been awake in days. It feels wrong, somehow.
If life treats me well, I should see the Bat movie today. I did see
Howl's Moving Castle
yesterday, which was damn damn good, and I'm surprised that the Buffistas haven't been mentioning it much. Damn.
Happy Birthday, Plei!
Heh. John Tynes edited the last film Paul shot.
If I'm not mistaken he also scripted Aaron Vanek's adaptation of The Yellow Sign. Which I must show you and the other Seattle peeps if you haven't already seen it—it's a great mood piece with some really disturbing imagery. (Also a hilariously over-the-top job of ACK-TING by the male lead...)
There ought to be clones...
Happiest of Birthdays to Plei!
Also, a very Happy Father's Day to all the great Buffista dads. I'm off to buy mulch to prepare for my annual work-in-the-garden with my dad, who'll be over in an hour or so.