ION, some company has been calling my house for the last week or so, leaving messages on my machine that start well before the beep [..]
So THAT'S what those are about. I've always wondered. I don't answer them, and I don't call back. I figure if they don't bother to identify themselves, no point in me returning the call. If it were important, like my bank or credit card, they'd identify themselves. Speaking of which, last weekend my cc called with an early possible fraud alert (it's a service they offer free.) Nothing was wrong, I guess I'd just broken out of my usual pattern of purchases by grocery shopping, then Target, then Walmart (they are the only place that carries picky cat's litter) then BB&B. I'm sure it is an algorithm or somesuch, but it is alway amusing when I set it off. I'm soooo predictable.
If the developers would just TELL me they are using a new dev database, I could change the scripts for them before they get all confused and start blaming me for not "updating properly." Dudes, I'd update properly if you'd talk to me once and a while.
Happy Bloomsday everyone!!!
On the way to work today I saw a bumper sticker with "CSI:" on it just like the tv show's typeface along with a big fingerprint. I though this was odd as I have never seen a bumper sticker for a tv show before. However, at a stoplight I saw that in small print on the bottom it said "Christ Saves Individuals". Clever.
Happy Bloomsday everyone!!!
I changed my tag for the occasion.
However, at a stoplight I saw that in small print on the bottom it said "Christ Saves Individuals".
He also saves groups. It's cheaper that way.
Nothing was wrong, I guess I'd just broken out of my usual pattern of purchases by grocery shopping, then Target, then Walmart (they are the only place that carries picky cat's litter) then BB&B. I'm sure it is an algorithm or somesuch, but it is alway amusing when I set it off. I'm soooo predictable.
I've gotten that, too. It's so funny -- they're all, "Um, miss, we wanted to let you know that someone used your card for XX at XX." "Oh yeah, that was me." "Oh, OK." Of course, when my card is ACTUALLY used fraudulently, no one calls me until the bill doesn't get paid. Der.
It's Bloomsday? That always seems to sneak up on me. Once again, I fail to arrange to have burning pork kidney and Guinness for dinner.
There was a blog that was posting a page of Ulysses a day. And it was totally digestible that way, but I missed a week about 20 pages in and lost interest.
How appropriate -- today's also a Thirsty Thursday here at work, which means free beer for Bloomsday!
Happies to Askye!
When my credit cards were stolen, one of them called me up (at home, where I wasn't) to notify me that something fishy was going on. The other didn't do squat. The good credit card company subsequently won more points by having a British dude on the line when I called them to say, Yes, I really hadn't charged $2000 in 5 different stores on a single day. He was very consoling.