Happies to Askye!
When my credit cards were stolen, one of them called me up (at home, where I wasn't) to notify me that something fishy was going on. The other didn't do squat. The good credit card company subsequently won more points by having a British dude on the line when I called them to say, Yes, I really hadn't charged $2000 in 5 different stores on a single day. He was very consoling.
Hey, that Dalek has been returned.
I bet the BBC is giddy as heck about that picture of the Dalek on Glastonbury Tor. "We can use that!"
Ahrg. If you go to the trouble of setting up a test system that isn't synched with the live system, do not then have part of the test system USE the live system. It won't work.
Speaking of credit cards and financial issues, I'm very frustrated with my online brokerage accounts. Due to the inability to update my trading level, then do to a flubbed up wire transfer, I was unable to make the trade I wanted to make last week. Would've made a 60% return today.
Ugh! That totally sucks.
What stock were you interested in? I'm temping at a financial advisor firm, and just typed up 6 months of investment meeting notes. I'm more stock-savvy than I've EVAH been.
My stock tip: Microsoft.
Trust me - some day this personal comptuer thing is gonna be
eta: Oops, I meant for this post to go back in time 20 years....
It was the July 95 Call on ESRX (Express Scripts). It look poised to keep going up.