If Congress gets involved in any part of the Michael Jackson media circus...
I don't think there is a single person in congress who wants to get involved with that case. If there is one, I think they should get punished by having every plastic surgery operation performed on Micheal Jackson performed on them.
Reason 8554 why my school is utterly assbackward:
I get a memo in my box today about a grant program. It's interesting enough and applying wouldn't be hard. But then I see they put it in my box today, but the application is also DUE TODAY. Also, the memo didn't include a copy of the application just an email address. Google is my friend and if I wanted to apply I could.
But, tell me about it and have it due on teh same day? please.
I'm not 100% sure, but I think the perrito is not the same doggy-style dance I'm thinking of, but I couldn't get anyone to demonstrate for me. It being my second day and all.
Shake Shack is awesome for dinner, is what it is.
Now I want to go to Shake Shack with Jesse and bon bon.
I so want to see the perrito. Maybe I'll ask a student to demonstrate.
Also, now I want a picture of msbelle in her last day of work tiara.
I know three people who have dentist appointments today, and none of them are me.
In other news, I am being NIBBLED TO DEATH BY DUCKS.
Moms watch out -- prenatal exposure to plastics causes small penises:
Pregnant women's exposure to chemicals found in cosmetics, toys and food wrap is harming the genital development in unborn baby boys, a new American study has shown.
It has long been known that high levels of plastic softening phthalates have a feminising effect on male animals, causing poor sperm production and infertility.
But the new work shows that maternal exposure to "normal" levels of these ubiquitous chemicals may cause a variety of physiological problems in human babies, including smaller penises and undescended testicles.
Tomorrow, men will outlaw plastics.