Just watched The Closer. Quite good.
Me, too! I agree.
Me three. I love Kyra Sedgewick, though I'm probably spelling her name wrong. I've always been kind of, "Oh, the kids will be fine -- start acting more!" about her. Except not really, because that would be wrong of me. I do like her a lot, though. Kevin can (primarily) handle the kids for a while.
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I just had one of Those Moments. I exploded an inchoate strawberry shake all over my kitchen counter, floor, and clothes.
I came home to cat puke, and lots of it.
It can stop being Monday any minute now, it really can.
Thanks for the Closer reminder. I forgot to Tivo it earlier.
sarameg is wise tonight. Thankfully no shake on the ceiling, but I would never have thought to check.
sarameg brings the wisdom.
I can only come up with... "Sorry, that's no good." And no more shake, which is sad.
x-post about sarameg's wisdom. That's fun.
It's the wine. Drink wine.
Check the ceiling.
Wear shoes.
Actually that goes for both of you.