Well, to be fair, it was the 5.6 that was felt around SoCal.
I don't know if I would feel a 2.4 unless I was very very quiet and right there. I tend to feel them around 3 and higher, historically.
edit: Yikes, I sound snarky. I was going for 'splainy, not bitchy. I don't know how to make it sound better either.
poop, I finished the book I brought with me to stave off boredom. I've got 6 more CDs with me. Also? getting hungered. hurry up little computer, hurry up.
I'm now camped out in my bedroom with the AC on, but it's only partly able to keep up with the heat. I feel like a wet rag, seriously.
I've never been somewhere when an earthquake happened. I don't know how I would feel about the whole earth moving thing.
Hurricanes don't bother me, but going without power when it is 90+ in both temperature and humidity is rather annoying (and stinky).
all the earthquakes I have felt so far - sorta startling. now of course, I live in a special earthquake zone - but unlike my neighobrs I don't have a fault running thru my garage.
I'm trying to gather the will to at least clean up my bedroom, which has AC, but even that is uphill, sweat-inducing work. Ah, poor me!
I'll clean your bedroom. Wanna do my laundry? (full disclosure: laundry room has no A/C)
Alas, doing the bedroom will involve doing the laundry at some point, mostly because it looks like my dresser and my closet had explosive incidents.
What Consuela said. Plus right now? Hurricane season.
Please. I get jealous of New Orleans. I like it sticky and wet. Hell, I'm from Jamaica, which gets hurricanes and earthquakes. I miss that weather too.
However, if I need to compromise, my abject fear of winter and my actually quite liking LA mean it's a very first world whine.
I just got reminded that I'm scary. I need to remember that when I'm whimpering about my bad test performance.
Which reminds me -- I need to email that chick the hand-bruise her boyfriend gave me.
Here in Utah, we're still sleeping under blankets and closing windows against drafts. If/when summer really arrives like it normally does, it's going to be a hell of a systemic shock.