Cashmere, you crazy close-child-spacing woman! Congratulations.
Thanks. My age was a factor to say, "let's go ahead and do it". Still. It definitely feels crazy.
Cash has nothing on my co-worker. she is my age(soon to be 26!) and will have 3 kids under 3 within the month. INSANE!
I'm sitting here concentrating on a singleton baby. Because this would drive me right over the edge. Not that I couldn't cope but I had a friend who had twins (prematurely) and a 14 month old baby boy. I don't think she's slept in two years.
When my friend was being admitted to a hospital a few years ago the admitting nurse would not take, "I'm a lesbian." as an answer to "What kind of birth control do you use?"
t shakes head
When my friend was being admitted to a hospital a few years ago the admitting nurse would not take, "I'm a lesbian." as an answer to "What kind of birth control do you use?"
To be fair, I've known plenty of pregnant lesbians. Although, having generally gotten there after great effort and expense and planning and occasionally TMI turkey-baster stories, they tend to be pretty aware of the fact.
I've used "not unless I was abducted by aliens" in answer to the "any chance you're pregnant?" question.
did it ever make your throat muscle constrict?
No, but I wasn't driving an interstate when it happened, so I was able to do some stretches to try and de-cramp my neck right away. I've never had my throat muscle constrict. I'm sitting here swallowing repeatedly at the thought of it.
"are you sure?"
"are you
"but are you really sure you're sure?"
"I bled out all over my panties just this morning. Wanna see?"
the "any chance you're pregnant?" question.
My doctors usually take "no" for an answer there. But they follow it up with a question about my form of birth control. Since going off the pill several years ago I usually answer, "My personality."
Now I want a doctor to ask me about birth control (it's been years since one did) so I can use "These bruises." as the answer.
No, but I wasn't driving an interstate when it happened, so I was able to do some stretches to try and de-cramp my neck right away.
you've got a point there. i was trying to loosen it with my free hand, but it wasn't doing much good.
I don't think she's slept in two years.
the craziest thing about the co-worker? after she had the last one, she was back to work in two weeks. mostly because she was a temp and she wasn't getting paid for that time off, but still.
Since going off the pill several years ago I usually answer, "My personality."
ha! i like that one.
I've used "not unless I was abducted by aliens" in answer to the "any chance you're pregnant?" question.
I often use "unless there's a star rising in the east, no"