Connie, what kind of surgery does DH have to have?
He's having another spinal fusion. His lower back is such a hammered mess. They might be taking out the titanium bracing from the last fusion, too. His surgeon is wondering if there's some odd reaction going on to the metal. I don't know if Hubby will get to keep it or not. He likes trophies.
I went to the Newton Library yesterday to pick up a couple of books for my comparative analysis paper for my ASL class. They were closed (apparently Sundays in July and August). I was all pissed and ready to go in there today and yell at them, because I got their hours from their website.
I just went back to check the website to make sure I don't make a fool of myself, and sure enough it says it on the website. Why can't I read through the whole page? I feel stupid.
ETA: connie, when is this surgery? Somehow I missed that in my skimming.
Surgery day is Wednesday. The good news is we've kicked the ass out of the yearly deductable, so most of it should be free.
Hubby has said that no way on earth should I miss the concert, unless it's literally life or death. If he's just lying bored in a hospital bed recuperating, I'm to be at the concert. And I'm not allowed to stowaway on any tour buses, even if the next stop is Denver, which is close.
A guy was killed last night only a mile or two away from here when a tree fell on his bedroom. My yard is full of big oak trees. I keep going to the window and looking suspiciously at them.
Now I'm picturing you shaking your fist at the trees and making vague threats at them.
He's having another spinal fusion. His lower back is such a hammered mess.
Well, if they can get everything fused that needs to be fused, maybe that'll result in no!pain, even if his back is a mess.
They might be taking out the titanium bracing from the last fusion, too. His surgeon is wondering if there's some odd reaction going on to the metal. I don't know if Hubby will get to keep it or not. He likes trophies.
I'm still sad that I wasn't able to keep the bone they cut off of my spine. (It wasn't cut off, actually, like with a Sawzall; it was ground off, like with a....sander, I guess, and so it was powdered, not in pieces. Bummer.)
Ack. Juliana, how could I not know that was you? I think it was the powder. You look v. young in that photo, not that you're not v. young, but you look even younger, despite the powder. Who is spiky haired blond?
At least you know I think you're very cute, even when I'm not swayed by your personality!
So sad I can't see the juliana picture.
I hope the surgery helps, Connie.
You look v. young in that photo, not that you're not v. young, but you look even younger, despite the powder. Who is spiky haired blond?
Heh. Get the make-up on properly and it smooths out a lot of wee lines. The blonde is Farley - meara and I met her 2 years ago at IDKE Minneapolis. She's pretty cool.
And I'm not allowed to stowaway on any tour buses
Husbands take all the fun out of concert-going.
So, do we think this [link] is a cute baby blanket for new baby with unknown sex?