Then how come I'm the one in the school-girl outfit?
"The teacher becomes the student..."
How much does that riding crop cost?
How much does that riding crop cost?
The one at the biker chick's garage sale today wasn't for sale. I think she was using it to precisely swat flies.
She was good, wasn't she?
She was good, wasn't she?
Well, she didn't seem evil, she seemed to be a right friendly type. Didn't whip us for not buying, at least.
Lilty, insent to your profile address.
Tales of me flashing are very overrated. There was the one time my sister flashed Tommy Lee using my breasts...
It suddenly dawns on tme that this "my sister with the same name as me" story might be a crock of you-know-what.
You know how toddlers blame things on their imaginary friends? "I didn't DO it! Blinvisible Cass did it! BLINVISIBLE Cass showed my breasts to the freakishly well-endowed rock star. It wasn't
Do you ever have one of those nights where you feel like you're just teeming with interesting thoughts and feelings, but when you open up your Livejournal comment to post them, nothing comes off of your fingertips?
I want to make a nice long post about how I feel about my future as a teacher, my aspirations for my distant future, why I would want to die in the first round of a nuclear war, and perhaps discuss, at length, why I find religious faith an attractive quality in a mate despite my deep lack of it.
But nothing comes out.