Yeah, I've opted not to take another sleeping pill. It'll leave me hung over, and it this point, it's not worth it.
I hope you all get back to sleep soon.
Kristin, I have comments for you, but they're such a rambly mess that I'll probably wait a few hours. Love you, though. Just wanted you to know that.
Stephanie, how's the beauty?
I don't have to get up for four hours.
Well, at least it's Friday - that will help me get through the day.
hi kristin! i've been trying (over in LJ) to mentally compose a post that says "I empathize with you for these reasons" but it keeps getting too personal for the internets.
so, i empathize. you are a strong and courageous woman to follow your heart this way.
Thanks hon(s). The LJ post was a rambly mess itself.
Okay. Pill. Yes. Hopefully without dreams. I've been having horrid nightmares lately. Last night I dreamed about my grandmother falling off the side of a cliff, among other things. Yeah, I know, metaphor much?
Anyway. Let's try this whole sleeping thing again.
she's asleep npw. i should put her to bed aand sleep myself, but i like looking at her.
Eek! That's awful, Kristin! I hope the rest of the "night" goes better.
Yeah, I imagine that's how I'd be too, Stephanie. It's amazing, isn't it? Everytime a baby comes into the world, I'm just amazed.
Never heard the word "puggle" before.
Good Scots word, but has nothing to do with platypi in my experience. One is puggled when completely exhausted, like after bicycling home in a rainstorm. See, knackered, etc., but without the same connotations.
Um, holy crap, look at the time. Ah well, no one ever said insomnia made sense.
me too. i've spent a lot of time wondering how my body turned all that food i ate into something so perfect and amazing. (P-C could probably answer that question literally. )
Baby's back in her bassinet for now.
Good night, vw! Good night, tommy! Good night, Kristin! Good night, Debet! Good night, JohnSweden!