Never heard the word "puggle" before.
Ah, now, I can help with that. The words of Peggy Rismiller, echidna researcher:
Peggy Rismiller: Where did the word come from? Well actually it came from England, it’s an old English word. To puggle was to like, clean drains and things like that. There were a lot of English people that went to Australia and became rabbiters and the rabbiters would actually take a stick and they would puggle down a puggle hole and lo and behold, instead of finding a rabbit occasionally they would find this strange little animal and they called it a puggle.
There's no official name for baby platypi, though some people use 'puggle' there too, and there's at least one suggestion that we should use 'platypup'.
So, I really want to see Newsies.
Someone should talk me down from the ledge.
Someone should talk me down from the ledge.
It's a huge crazed fandom of Bale worship. Why should you deny yourself that?
So, I really want to see Newsies.
I have the dvd, vhs and cd. You need to borrow one? All?
/not helping
Nicole, Jilli tried to talk me down by offering up American Psycho.
I think I'll check and see if it's on Netflix, and if so, add it to my queue. I'm probably going to take a short MI-5/Spooks break of a week or two, so I'll need something else to watch in its place.
Me, Nicole dearest. DVD, please. I'll send chocolate and pay postage.
And I'll have to read your reply in the morning as I'm toddling off to bed. Wish me sleep.
That reminds me. I still need to see American Psycho. Hmm.
Bev, my love, tons of sleep~ma to you!! And the dvd will be on the way to your doorstep either tomorrow or Saturday.
beth, insent about this weekend, as promised a while back.
Platypup. I, at least, will use this word. (In related news, I'm wearing my purple wombat tee today, and the baby's been grinning at the wombat.)
Susan! That's awesome and then some! Sorry I didn't say so earlier.
Platypup. I, at least, will use this word. (In related news, I'm wearing my purple wombat tee today, and the baby's been grinning at the wombat.)
See? The baby knows! Oh, the shopping centre below my office has an exhibit of old things, pride of place going to a replica skeleton of a Giganatosaurus carolinii (largest know carnivorous dinosaur). Anyway, I found today that they also have a diprotodon skull; this was the largest wombat ever, being about the size of a rhino. It was a cool skull.