Wow, I'm starving! I was hungry before, but now I'm ready to chew wallpaper!
I think I will go to the store and get BLT makings. The bride is coming over tonight to see my kitty, and I'm sure I will get an earful about this latest!
I'm gonna call all of my black-bra wearing, porn-reading, booze-swilling dirty-word saying, premarital sec-enjoying teacher friends tonight and LAUGH. While I'm NAKED.
Oh, lord, I forgot about those! Hee.
That corset was so cool, Plei.
Huh. If she DOES end up at the wedding, can I borrow? Heh.
Wait, I amend: THIS picture! [link]
I love that cockeyed look on Plei face!
That was a fun party, La Tep.
And I miss that skirt, and damn, my hair was short.
Ok, time to go and hunt down nitrate laden pork.
I think the corset in question was Jilli's...
I think the corset in question was Jilli's...
looks at the pic again
Oh, yeah. My PVC waist cincher. Which I *believe* I've seen somewhere in the Closets O' Doom in the recent past ...
I love having friends that have to differenciate their waist cinchers by fabric.
I just caught up and am
If I act inappropriately in a classroom, then by all means report me. What I do in my own free time in my private life is
none of your fucking business, bitch.
I can't help taking this personally. Hits way too close to home. I am a fucking National Board Certified Teacher and strive to be an incredible role model in school. I am also a woman who, in my personal life, loves kink and sex and corsets, and NONE of that has the least bit of bearing on my effectiveness as a teacher.
This woman obviously wants teachers to wear their Walmart faux-suede bib dresses over a turtleneck, be chaste and pure, and sleep in the damned classroom closet. I've got news for her--that's the samn damned logic that led to people like my mother being FIRED for getting pregnant back in the 70's. She was even married. Didn't matter. Fired.
Erin, you did the right thing. The letter is a thing of beauty.
"I do'nt know you, but as a mom, I think it's important for Teachers to be of the highest morals, so I don't like to hear of teacher that are not. I think you are one of X's sisters friends, so I just thank GOD you are not a teacher in my town."
is speechless.
FUCKing hell. Wow.
is so speechless she has to write her own Fantasy Letter to the Stupid Cow.
Dear [stupid cow],
Thank you so very much for your unsolicited input on my fitness for my chosen career. Were it not for the fact that you are a total stranger, and that your email is as lacking in basic grammatical skills as it is in courtesy, perhaps I might find it in me to give a shred of a damn what you think about my character or professionalism. Since we have never met, however, and since you are basing your extraordinary assumptions about my professional unfitness upon a reference to clothing made in a private email, I avidly look forward to hearing you explain your point of view to my lawyer. Really. I'll supply you with my employers' address and phone number, and I'll even give them copies of the email you find so offensive, if you genuinely think that I am unfit for my profession.
I shall not waste my time defending my own professionalism to someone as spectacularly ignorant, parochial and ill bred as you have demonstrated yourself to be. I do trust that your children have the opportunity to learn better grammar and social skills from their teachers than they can from you, regardless of what said teachers may do when they are not in school.
And you know what? Baby Jesus doesn't love you more for being such a prudish, self righteous cow. In fact, he pretty much thinks you're an ignorant redneck fuckhead with some really ugly clothes, who needs help distinguishing her arse from her elbow and couldn't figure out what to do with an apostrophe if her fucking life depended on it.
Sucks to be you, bitch. And it's going to suck a whole lot more if you are stupid enough to try to report me for moral turpitude on the basis of this email. Bring. It. On.
breathes a sigh
There. Glad I've got that out of my system...although perhaps I lost a teensy weensy bit of the moral highground there...? Nah.
But oh, I
your reply, Erin. Loved loved loved.
(eek! Make the cat stop sneezing on me! Cat snot! Eeek! Buy a frigging HANKIE, damn it!)
(Imagines an Erin/Fay/Kristin puppy pile of post-righteous indignation cuddles)
(Giggles in happy place)