Thanks Plei - I have to admit I haven't researched the meds and their interactions with BFing fully (I'm doing that right now in fact). I would love to be able to continue to breastfeed, especially for the nighttime feedings, but I'm trying to prep myself mentally for stopping by listing the positives: Losing weight! Fitting my bras again! Back on the Pill (my ob/gyn here refuses to prescribe any oral contra during BF)!
I'm also researching the formula here, free of FDA oversight as it is. Looks pretty much identical, except for including DHA.
It is best to be prepared for all of it.
Can you get formula with DHA shipped to you?
Your OB/Gyn won't prescribe even the mini-pill? Gah! How horrible.
I admit, I'm hating being on the thing (no serious mood swings until I started it six weeks ago and my skin is a wreck), and am counting the days until my Mirena appointment (6), but thank fuck it was an option, y'know?
God, the sites about antidepressants are...depressing. Everything's spelled wrong. And there are apostrophes in untoward places: Apostrophe's. And they're all full of TRUE STORIES OF ANTI-DEPRESSANT-RELATED DEATH!!! and FREE PAXIL!!! Which I gather is not the equine version of "Free Willy."
And there are apostrophes in untoward places: Apostrophe's.
How about quotation marks in odd "places"?
Some of that, also. And one site listed the following:
Depression Medication Side Effects
Zoloft Side Effects, Sertraline Antidepressant Drug Side Effects
I'm not entirely sure that last is a good thing to provide to depressed people. Not only the obvious, but a rifle's not the tool for the job, so you'd screw it up and be even more depressed.
The info at Kellymom is usually pretty good: [link]
Second-date~ma for Fay. Although I am amazed that she could be insecure.
Well, you know, I suspect that I look thinner online. But y'all are fabulous for reassuring a person. (And I'm all ablush at the recollection of how many Buffistas I ended up snogging at the F2F. Am tart. Although apparently not a bad snog, so yay for that.)
Hurrah for billytea, and Riddle Girl. (Whom I shall not dub Tom.) She's a
lucky lass. (Yep, got to say the billyteacrush? Still very much alive and kicking. You're adorability on a stick, mate.)
Hurrah for Susan, with the mad writing skillz! About time the universe did something good for you!
Re: second date. It was another nice evening - this time we just went out for coffee, and sat and talked and talked and talked for three or four hours. I enjoyed it, and he made me laugh, and he's well travelled and rather geeky and knows about stuff I don't know about, which is cool, but I'm finding myself off put by (a) the expattishness and (b) a sort of scaredness.
I mean, he didn't come across as being racist, but I think he's quite entrenched in the expat lifestyle, and maybe not really recognising that there are reasons why people here (especially working class people) do mad-seeming things, and that these reasons can be more complex than 'they're stupid, we're so much more sensible'. Type of thing. Which I haven't expressed very well, but you get the jist.
And then the scaredness - well, I'm even worse at expressing this. But there's a sort of defensive irony/wanting to fit in thing going on with him, I think. And I find, in my old age (ha!) that I'm very comfortable in my own skin, at least in that respect. I don't dress fashionably - I dress the way I want to dress, which involves big hats, a wide array of scarves, long skirts and interesting handbags, and I really don't mind being stared at for it. I don't use textspeak when texting, I use standard spellings and punctuation. I have quite decided opinions on things. I get excited about silly things, and take unironic delight in other things which most people my age wouldn't enjoy. (Genuinely enjoy cutting out snowflakes//making Tudor Houses out of cereal boxes/discussing World War II with 7 year olds/watching 'Samurai Jack', etc etc.) Which is all good. I like where I'm at with this. But I don't think that's where he's at. I could be mistaken.
I don't know - it may well be that I'm being too picky. I enjoyed his company, and we had no lack of things to talk about. And I think if he could just relax more - huh. But you shouldn't look at people like that, should you? 'If I could change this thing about you' type of thing. That's not nice.
This may be one of the reasons I don't go on more dates, huh? But - I don't feel like there's a gaping hole in my life that needs filling. (No smutty jokes from the cheap seats, thank you!) Not for the sake of being filled, at least. So - I think it's okay to be picky. Even if that's liable to have me end up an old maid whose corpse is gnawed away by her cats for weeks before anyone notices I'm dead.
...'Course, maybe part of the reason I think that is because I've got what is to all intents and purposes (bar sex) a relationship already, with my flatmate. But I think that I should get on with a potential lover at least as well as I get on with my flatmate, shouldn't I? (Granted, we get on well enough that my ex-boss thinks we're a couple, but still. You get the picture.)
I think Riddle Girl is a good nick, for now...Go billytea with the date-getting!
Y'know, I'd forgotten how much fun this sort of thing is. I've planned a date and sent a proper invitation ("I would be honoured etc etc"). Initially I'd been thinking that we could wander round a part of town with a number of commercial galleries before having dinner, but the forecast is for some showers, plus the galleries generally close at five, and that feels a little early for a dinner date. So I looked around for another possibility, and discovered that Deborah Conway (an Australian singer with a career going back to the early 80s) is performing on Saturday night two suburbs away. A quick call to ensure tickets were still available, and the invitation has gone out.
Now I just need to wait and see if she's free on Saturday night. I decided, on balance,
to assure her that the Buffistas support me in email. Which would still have been far easier to explain that telling her my wife supports me in email.
Bravo! (Adorability on a
Fay, it strikes me that the 'they're stupid, we're so much more sensible' thing and the 'sort of defensive irony/wanting to fit in thing' are probably related. I know the ex-pat behaviour you're describing, and it usually manifests because the person in question has finally found a way to align themselves with -they think- a superior group. Makes them feel good, less insecure.
Not that that means he's a bad person, but just making the observation that the two things you mentioned might be linked.
bt? What was the answer to the riddle?