And now, a meara!
Juice bars are the best.
Only in Cairo, man! That juice is crazy good!
Even if he does still call me Jen.
This is rather disconcerting when I look at who's posting it, see "Lilty Cash" and think "Well, what IS her name then?"
I'm watching the "30 Days" ep with the straight boy in the Castro, and it's fun but painful, man.
If this is how they're judging? I'd register as a gay man. Well, unless they were showing Bound.
Yeah, were they showing "lesbian" porn, or actual dykes getting it on? Though admittedly, the one actual dykey porn I've seen was kinda frightening and not terribly good, but it was still hella better than the "lesbians" with long hair and fingernails.
and I am falling back into depression.
Oh, Erin baby. Get those anti-d's, get some love, or some lovin'...big hugs.
it didn't help that when I took her to school this morning her teacher pointed to her head and practically screamed, "What happened???"
Y'know, it's a shame that answering something ridiculous like "I threw her against a wall to see if she'd bounce" would probably get you investigated by Child Services...
I'm ready to get Owen a t-shirt that says, "They don't beat me."
Hee. Or, she could get Em that!
On a different note, how come no one told me that having a baby would make me cry at everything
I will take this as my warning, should I ever have a kiddo.
My Tiara Came!!!
For some reason I read this as "my tiara camel" and thought "I'll bet that one's from Aimee!!"
Being a boy from 9 through 12 is pretty fun. I guess those are good years for being a girl too
Waiting to read farther down and see the reactions on this...ok, and the first "WTFever" is from JZ. Hee. Yeah, and I'd say a big ol' "not so much" here--you get hips, boobs, your period, and a whole new set of peer pressures. Not good years. Well, 9-10 wasn't so bad. 11-13 was probably the worst.
Well, if you really need me, I could start today."
Go Windsparrow!!
we have filled the Marketing/Editorial Coordinator position, yet because your resume was strong we wanted to hold onto it while we finalized the job description for another position
Lilty, that's AWESOME! I mean, sucks, still cause rejection, but...awesome!
Am suffering attack of selfconsciousness about the whole being crap at kissing/making out/blahblahblahblah fifteen year old insecurity cakes
!! Fay! Surely not! Well, if it means anything, *I* don't remember you being a crap kisser...:)
I would prefer "grown-up sexlife" to mean martinis and cocktails dresses with George Clooney, then a wild tequila-fueled threesome with GC and Colin Farrell in the back of a limo
Is there something wrong with that latter option? (Of course, first I read it as Gloomcookie and Colin Farrell, which would also be hot!)
but genetics has gifted me with the SooperStankfoot, so I try to leave the shoes on as much as possible.
You could teach with Fay, and threaten children with the Stinky Feet!
Upside: I've lost a total of 59.5 lbs
DAMN, Aimee! Since when? How'd you do it?
I was starving, though, so I went ahead and ate. I'm a horrible roommate, aren't I?
Dude. You MADE DINNER. That puts you in the Roommate Book of Honor.
Who wants to see a picture of a tan Teppy, with long curly hair, in full bridesmaid-fu?
That's quite a mane of ringlets.
So pretty! We misses the precious, yessss....
Is that your dad in the screaming sports jacket behind you?
Stepdad, actually. And it's not a bad jacket when you can see the whole thing: [link]
This one is from my mom and stepdad's wedding, just about 10 years ago -- me and the bro. It cracks me up b/c of how smirky we are, particularly him, in that bowler: [link]
I'm not just spamming all y'all with pictures of me; well, I *am,* but spamming y'all wasn't the reason I was playing with the pictures in the first place. I'm working on a photo album project to give to my bro for his wedding -- hence, the family photos and shit.
The smirky picture is great. You both look like you are trying so hard to be serious.
I'm not just spamming all y'all with pictures of me; well, I *am,* but spamming y'all wasn't the reason I was playing with the pictures in the first place. I'm working on a photo album project to give to my bro for his wedding -- hence, the family photos and shit.
Awww, that is sweet, and Teppy pictures are always welcome.
The smirky picture is great. You both look like you are trying so hard to be serious.
It's possible that we had both already had a few drinks by the time that picture was taken.
postus interruptus: hullo, just did a threadsuck and skim and am relieved to see that my not having gotten a tiara for tiaraee yet seems to be okay as only 1 person has gotten one so far, I think (sailaweigh). I clicked on several links. Baby photos = GOOD! Steph looks lovely all tan and long-haired. Adieu.
I think I had a version of that "running stallion" that was a thoroughbred. I also had a thoroughbred mare and foal, a bay Arabian Stallion, a Clydesdale mare and foal and this Indian Pony. She was my favorite. I just liked the way she looked.
I'm pretty sure I had an Arabian mare and foal too. I'm not sure where they are. (Somewhere in my apartment. If I had enough flat surfaces, I would display them.)
I'm having a weird, disconnected week at work. I feel like I'm lost there -- can't tell if I'm doing anything right and also really disengaged. I need to get the heck out of there. (Had two rejection letters today. . . not unexpected.)
relating to a discussion we had way back when (like a few days ago). Rember the talk about the study that showed there is "no such thing as a bisexual man" in the NY times.
Turns out (surprise suprise) that the researcher who produced the report was fired for ethical violations and sloppy research from his previous job.
Love the smirky picture.
Sleep schedules are weird and confusing and need to get settled now. The first day I got back from Israel, my body seemed to think it was still there, and I fell asleep at 6. The next few days after that, I slowly started getting back onto actual time, and yesterday, I fell asleep at 9:30. Seems all good. Today, though, it's 12:30, and I'm still not asleep. I'm not entirely sure what time zone my body thinks it's in now, but I really wish it would figure out that it's supposed to be in this one.
I've got some Tylenol PM, and I would take it, except that I've got an interview tomorrow and really can't be groggy. But being sleepy doesn't seem like it would be much better.
t /ongoing jetlag report
I'm not sure how I feel about this interview. It's a great job, but I'm not entirely sure I'm qualified for it, and it's the kind of thing that really needs to be done by someone who knows what they're doing. And I'm not sure that's me.