Erin, take some tissues or TP, and make a small pad for the inside of the heel of each shoe. It should help move your foot up enough, to stop the irritation at the cite of the blisters on your heels. It won't help with the toe, though.
Gud, you make beautiful children and take wonderful pictures of them.
Cindy, I'm doing that for the walk home (to shoes! comfy shoes!) But I'm sitting down till then, so it's ok. It's dumb, though -- these shoes have never done this before.
Can you slip them off, under your desk, Erin?
Did you explain to your shoes that it is their job to look cute and perk you up, not to make blisters? Maybe they got confused about their job specifications while sitting in the closet with yor other shoes.
Note to self - don't skip'n'skim and then read the last line. For a moment, Cindy was all Wesleyish, and Erin was all Lilahish, and it was all very surprising.
With the slipping off under the desk, you mean?
Maybe she's a fan of Loom
God, I loved that game.
Okay, Raquel totally rocks. We beat it in one or two days, it was so good. Short, but good. Such fun.
I am slipping occasionaly, but genetics has gifted me with the SooperStankfoot, so I try to leave the shoes on as much as possible.
Us too, P-C. And I cried. Not many computer games make me teary. LucasArts used to do some good games.
Lollygagging at work.
Found this company name, thought of you all:
Accursed Toys, Inc.