Yikes! Bitches have been having a bad day today! I've been wrestling with a recalcitrant Mac all damn day, which culminated in an unstoppable tsunami of my loud donkey laugh after chatty!co-worker needed my password and I told him it was "timdrake" and he just raised one eyebrow. Heh.
I'm currently using my laptop, which I brought in for this very reason -- I knew that installing Tiger on my DVD drive-less Mac would be a headache.
I will make this computer my bitch. Oh yes.
In any case, I have no stress-y feelings, so I must have sucked up all the calm for myself. Sorry.
Susan, you aren't crazy, but you do seem to make yourself crazy b/c of your iron-fist need for control. If there were little areas where you could relax it a bit, maybe when the TV goes wonky, you won't go wonky with it. And please understand, I say that as a total control freak myself.
vw, keep hanging in there. You are just unbelievably strong, and I really admire that.
Erin, I have been there, done that, and overdrawn that bank account more times than I care to think about. It's really overwhelming to try to get back to a zero balance to start over. It sucks, and I hate to see you so stressed out over it. Though I totally understand the stress, having had my own financial meltdown a few months ago.
Anyone else need some loving while I'm here and zen?
Aimée - I like the first rug the best.
{{{Erin}}} I can totally relate, babe. I'm sorry you're going through this, and I hope you can get back on your meds soon.
I made it through 2.5 hours of work. I'm going in early tomorrow to make up the time. Everything I needed to do was on the computer, and since my boss and I are sharing a computer right now, well, this is going to be interesting. Also, she's interesting. I hope she grows on me, 'cause right now I'm finding her quite annoying.
Also, apparently, I'm going to class tonight. My prof really thinks I can catch up and finish the session, so I'm gonna try. We'll see how it goes and how far behind I am.
Oh, I forgot about the new boss aspect of today, vw. This isn't the awful woman you sisn't want them to hire, I hope.
No, it's not the awful woman. But, she is kind of weird. I'm sure I'll get used to her, though. She's nice enough...just weird.
Believe your Prof, vw--if s/he doesn't know how much you need to do, who does?
{{{Erin}}} I hope the suck gets less. What everyone else has already said.
Aimee, area rugs are always a good thing. My friend got a nice one at target and even put some carpet padding underneath it so it's a very cozy play area.
At least I don't have a class to worry about this summer, thank dog. Sounds like your prof is sensible, vw. Take the advice people are giving me that I will take, and take it easy.
(did i just sound like Derek Zoolander? Just me? 'k.)
Aimee, area rugs are always a good thing. My friend got a nice one at target and even put some carpet padding underneath it so it's a very cozy play area.
I plan on getting some thick thick padding. Maybe even foam or summat.
Believe your Prof, vw--if s/he doesn't know how much you need to do, who does?
Exactly. And, if she's willing to work with me while I try to catch up, I think I can do it.
Ok...gotta walk the dog and get off to class. Talk to you all later.