I basically attachment parent. It's more of a guideline, really, despite what some parenting board posters would have you think. And it's not that hard. It's all about "listening" to your kid.)
I realized after about four months, that, besides co-sleeping, I was pretty much attachment parenting. But, as with anything, extremists make me itch. This potty thing strikes me as extremist. I think holding a 4 month old infant over the sink to pee every five minutes for an hour is EXTREME. And messy. And possibly gross. The article kept talking about "sinks" Um, I brush my teeth over our bathroom sink. I don't want pee in my sink. I sure as hell don't want pee in my kitchen sink.
It doesn't even strike me as being that cost effective. I buy diapers in bulk and they cost 22 cents a piece. I spend roughly more than $30 a month for disposables. I can't imagine the number of "accidents" involving this process and the amount of laundry it generates.
{{{Aimee}}} It's not your fault. Can you get some cheap blankets or area rugs to make the fall on the hardwoods a little softer?
Hardwood flooring = baby bruises.
Carpeted flooring = smaller baby bruises, with concurrent rug burn.
The floor will always be there, and eventually they figure out that avoiding head-first impact on it's a good thing.
Unless they're me, but you lucked out on that one.
I have a big bag of cat food and litter, so the kitties aren't a money issue till payday.
Everything that's wrong with me is my own fault, anyway.
Aimee, just remember the dog hair is easier to clean up on wood floors. Plus, Exhibit A--they don't need to hit the floor to get nasty ouchies.
I'm ready to get Owen a t-shirt that says, "They don't beat me."
Erin, you're not at fault. You're doing the best you can under shitty circumstances, learning as you go. I'm so sorry life sucks right this minute and I hope things get better soon.
Everything that's wrong with me is my own fault, anyway.
Awww, Erin, I don't mean to get on your case when you're sniveling and poor. I just get worried about you sometimes.
I realized after about four months, that, besides co-sleeping, I was pretty much attachment parenting. But, as with anything, extremists make me itch. This potty thing strikes me as extremist. I think holding a 4 month old infant over the sink to pee every five minutes for an hour is EXTREME. And messy. And possibly gross. The article kept talking about "sinks" Um, I brush my teeth over our bathroom sink. I don't want pee in my sink. I sure as hell don't want pee in my kitchen sink.
I realized it when I was randomly searching for something, came across an AP FAQ, and went, "Huh."
I found the no-diaper thing in a similar search, and also went, "Huh."
The second "Huh." contained a much larger portion of "WTF???".
We'll switch to cloth at about 6 months or so, but until that point, I'm happy with Huggies. And, dude, I'm not going to breastfeed over a bucket. (And, really, if that no-diaper thing was so great, how come for THOUSANDS OF YEARS, parents have been sticking things on baby butts to keep the output contained? Hmm??)
(And, really, if that no-diaper thing was so great, how come for THOUSANDS OF YEARS, parents have been sticking things on baby butts to keep the output contained? Hmm??)
I have the same comment about "childbirth isn't supposed to hurt".
I just brought our cat home from boarding. He is stalking around the house yowling loudly. I DIDN'T LIKE IT THERE. AT ALL. LET ME IN. LET ME OUT. LET ME IN.