Does anyone know the answer to my question about whether if I accidentally unplug the Tivo or the cable box trying to unplug the TV it'll wreck the programming?
It doesn't wreck the program. It just reboots TiVo which is often the fix for most TiVo problems.
What David Said. The TiVo stores all its data on the hard drive, which isn't affected by power-off.
I'm off to run a couple errands and get to work. Wish me energy.
Wishing much energy to vw!!!
I have unplugged my cable box and DVR (not Tivo, so I don't know specifically if It's true for Tivo) and had the programming be not affected at all, Susan.
That said, our TV spontaneously decided it hated the remote control and was never speaking to it again a couple years ago. And the power button on the set itself sort of sticks, so sometimes I have to push it several times before (a) it's on or (b) I can tell it's on - sometimes I only know it's been on because it does that shrinking square of light thing when it goes off (the square of light appears only to shrink, it isn't there before). So I vote pushing the button a few more times, as well.
Wishing you stamina and calmness, vw!
Energyma to vw!
TV unplugged. Will leave for a few minutes, plug back in, and pray.
All the energy you want, vw.
We have TV. We have Sesame Street. I'm taking a shower.