Beverly, I started off calling her Cosmo (for Cosmopolitan) but it didn't fit.
Hmm. Julep.
A lady at work was all freaking out about feline leukemia, and now I am so scared that this kitty has it and is giving it to Gimlet RIGHT NOW. I can't get Tulip to the vet till Friday. ($$$)
Tell me I'm just being paranoid, and as long as they don't fight, they should be ok.
ION, I look like friggin's hell tonday because I have been blowing my nose and sneezing for the last 24 hours. Yeah.
Bev, I'm gonna go back on the antiD's Friday = nned paycheck.
That diaper free thing sounds like a whole lot of needless work to me.
Is Gimlet vaccinated, Erin? All my cats have been vaccinated for Feline Leukemia as a matter of course, because they go outside. I think that would mean no danger from Tulip/Julep/kitty with no name. Even if she isn't, transmission other than through a bite is pretty uncommon.
Toilet training a newborn just sounds weird.
That's all I've got so far today. I'm tired despite sleep, and my head hurts.
Toilet training a toddler is work enough. One of the plusses of infants is the portability. When they start walking, they're no longer as portable, and toilet training is sort of the tradeoff for that. To my way of thinking, anyway.
Erin, thinking lots of coping-ma at you till Friday. Also, what -t said about Gimlet being vaccinated. If she's been to the vet for her shots, she should be FeL-protected, and T/Jule/ip will be too, once she's had her shots. Actually, shots are a good idea whether they go outside or not. They can escape, or wander, and with most kitty diseases all it takes is a scrap and a bite to transfer.
Also, the head-hurty imps need to leave Buffistas alone.
Okay, Mom realized at 9pm she'd finished her last Pepsi, and I was a bad enough daughter to refuse to go out and get her more last night. I'm sure she never got a wink of sleep worrying about it, so I must go haul in a case or two to relieve her mind. After a run to the CU. Laters on.
t nothing to see here, just crazy stressed-out Susan...
I think it sounds like a lot of work,
Um, yeah. And it sounds fucking insane to me, too. Who has that kind of time????
Not only can I fucking not get into my fucking gmail, the fucking TV won't fucking turn on! The Tivo and the cable box all look to be working. It's the TV itself. I've tried turning it on with both remotes and with the button on the set, and nothing. Nada.
Have you tried unplugging the TV, waiting a bit, and plugging it back in?