t clicks BatLily Link
t dies instantly
OMG. Too Fucking Cute.
I made a fantastic blueberry buckle tonight. Sadly, there is only me and Owen to eat it since his dad is off helping my SiL move out of her college appartment.
I think tomorrow I'm making strawberry bruschetta with mascarpone cheese.
I think tomorrow I'm making strawberry bruschetta with mascarpone cheese.
Holy crap, that sounds good. As does blueberry buckle.
My folks are in town. More on that later....
I'd never heard of a buckle as something to eat. Google found this for me: [link]
I make a mean blueberry buckle with homemade lemon sauce. Mmmhmmm.
It called me a dirty name, that's how mean it was.
Just took a lovely hot bath. Then realized it was July and am now trying to cool off.
Also, I sucked the last few days of Bitches and then meara'ed...
Sometimes a person thinks she knows exactly what she wants, but then the right person shows up, meeting very few of her original criteria, but he's just....the right person, you know?
La Tep is wise in this.
Anyone else here watch Wire In the Blood? I'm finding it quite convenient that they sometimes tell me "the following scenes contain content that may be disturbing to some viewers" during the show so that I know
I love this show. And their immenent creepiness disclaimers too.
My pissedoffedness begins with a good friend of mine having Hodgkin's disease.
Oh Jars, one of my oldest and dearest friends went through this. Twice, actually.
Every girl should have one: they bring you beer and orgasms.
t rewrites Xmas list
t trudges into thread
Not tired. Finished my new books. Don't want to watch television. Bored now.
Whine whine whine.
Batlily is altogether too cute, especially on top of other adorable babies earlier today (well, earlier today for me, although I think the photos were actually posted yesterday).
Negative Positive 2:
Batman Begins has left town, and I have not yet seen it. Batman Begins has just moved out to the less convenient theater, so I can still see it on the big screen!
Great for the drive-in, Plei. It sounds like a great solution. I miss drive-ins. Last time I went to a drive-in was near the San Francisco airport, I think about a week or so before it closed. The radio in the car was dead, but we remembered to bring a boombox with us, so although the sound wasn't great, it was there. It was loads of fun to glance over our shoulders occasionally to see the other feature behind us, wondering if we had really chosen the best one. It was kind of depressing to go in for popcorn, though. There was an absolutely huge concession stand, with only about 1/8th of it being used.
Bat Baby just gets cuter every time! Bless!
ion, am eavesdropping on Date!Boy at work.
Am scary stalker chick.
Or, you know, just owns-a-radio,-switched-it-on chick.
The thrill of stalking without all those nasty repercussions.