See, this week, Lily would rather nurse sidelying than any other way, which means I'm effectively trapped unless I want a cranky, hungry baby on my hands
This phase just stopped with Mal - now when sidelying he kicks me in the abs frantically until he pops himself off the boobie. Then he has to yell at the boobie for leaving him.
The sidelying position seemed to cut down on the spitting up, though.
It's 8:45 am, and I'm going to bed. Been up since 2:30.
We're not exactly the morning types, anyhow, and Atlas serves breakfast until 3 on the weekends.
Cool. I'll call when functional.
This phase just stopped with Mal - now when sidelying he kicks me in the abs frantically until he pops himself off the boobie. Then he has to yell at the boobie for leaving him.
BWAH! Yeah, we're in a state where any other position leads to kicking and toes, toes in new places! New places generally being my belly button.
The sidelying position seemed to cut down on the spitting up, though.
It's increased ours, I fear.
Sidelying seemed to increase spitting up for us as well. I swear, sometimes it seemed like she spit up more than she ate. And then I'd freak out cause she's so small.
The good news is that Em's 7 months (today!!! WTF??) and the spitting up is, thankfully, pretty much gone.
{{{All the new buffista Mom's}}} I have so much respect for all of you.
7 months
Happy 7 months Emeline! I must get up to LA before she is too big to want to be held.
Yeah, I don't know.
And my most recent theory is that if that child looked any more like Joe, we'd be arrested for cloning.
It's scary.
Dude, 7 months? Whoa!
Sidelying seemed to increase spitting up for us as well. I swear, sometimes it seemed like she spit up more than she ate. And then I'd freak out cause she's so small.
Lily will have occasional monster spits. As I've said, she'll overeat, hit the vomitorium, and come back for more. On her side, she somehow manages to fit even more inside her tummy than usual (possibly the attraction).
I wouldn't be shocked if she's doubled her weight by now. She managed dainty for a month, then went straight for linebacker.