So my niece put together, on the fly, this whole RPS fanfic about me coaching Johnny Depp in swordfighting for the next PotC movie, and Orlando Bloom bandaging and soothing my bescarred brow afterward.
I'm touched. And strangely proud.
Right there with you, Calli...
I don't want to chance him falling asleep on me, and I'm not quite rude enough to be all "Begone! Come and GO, dude!"
There has got to be a nice enough polite way of saying this.
Guinea Pig is made of pomegranate juice, a splash of lime, vodka, and seltzer with lime. Basically, whatever was handy. Dubbed by me handing one to Sam and shouting "Guinea Pig! Guinea Pig!".
That is great, Tep!
Off to Press now...
Health-ma to your grandpa
Oh I LOVE those pictures. The Kat/ita onesie is too adorable for words.
Random news: I find arrogance in people who aren't me very irritating.
Teppy I am so proud of you.
Tep, I'm proud of you, too.
So, I have maybe one box or so left of booze glasses to pick up from the old place, but I am now officially moved out. It feels good.
Health-ma to Aimee's grampa, steady-as-she-goes vibes to vw, Isaac is a beeyootiful boy, and Frannie is a gorgeous Big Sister. The Baby People from yesterday are adorable, too. I missed the whole stove thing, though. Hooray to Nora and Tom on getting settled in Your Own Home! And woohoo! to P-C, and Daniel & Andi for bending life to your wills!
Yay for whatever worked to get Fay's former boss to pay the hell up, and may it work to get her the return ticket funds, too.
That's a lovely tiara, Sail, and you look quite fetching in it. But you're wearing clothes! Was it was Erin? or Sophia? who prompted the first exchange by relating that she cleaned house to music wearing only her tiara?
Teppy, I'm so happy for you. I've seen the difference, and I applaud you for doing the hard work, and for knowing which of the crazy would make your life better to fix, and which is part of your charm. You're amazing and wonderful.
Okay, that's not nearly enough of a catch up, and dog knows when I'll be able to again. Miss you terribly.
{{Aims}} Health-ma for your grandfather.
Congrats, Teppy! That rocks.
Teppy - mega cool. Great when you hear a therapy success story.