At this point, if he knocks he's likely to get shot in the head.
Fay, may I make the bold suggestion that you above delete post #754 so as to precluse any "threats of violence in a public forum" accusations should somehow (as unlikely as it may be) siad comment gets stumbled upon?
Only a suggestion, but I thought I would mention it.
To be fair, she was talking about shooting Mr. Calm, not Evil Boss. I think it's okay to threaten anthropomorphic emotions.
we know each other, although not well. you're gorgeous with blue eyes and a radiant smile. you're astoundingly intelligent, and crazily busy. you're self-assured and very coy.
after the drag show and apex, i wanted to keep you up all night.
Isn't it tempting to believe this craigslist posting is about me? Heh. I posted another post asking what the mystery woman was wearing (I had my corset on. It was kind of...obvious).
I don't feel so good. Since Friday I've felt vaguely as if I were coming down with a cold, and since the wedding ended Saturday I've been constantly tired and intermittently completely exhausted. As in, "must go lie down NOW before I collapse on the spot." Every other time I've felt like this I've either had mono or been pregnant. You're not supposed to get the former twice, and I know I'm not the latter (really, I
I'm feeling especially close to the earth today, and taking ibuprofen every four hours for it). So do I just have some mild virus exacerbated by long hours last weekend and by the fact I've had a hard time getting a full night's sleep lately (sick kid, etc.)? Or should I be worried?
Now that Kara's all completely potty trained, she thinks of panties as a fashion accessory and has been changing them 3 or more times a day. I told her to stop it, so now when she wants to change she "loses" the previous pair. I gathered teeny panties from all over the house.
Bwah! Go Kara on the potty training!
No advice Fay but lots of ~ma to you.
Much job~ma, vw!
To be fair, she was talking about shooting Mr. Calm, not Evil Boss. I think it's okay to threaten anthropomorphic emotions.
Aha. i thought it was directed at Evil boss. My bad for skimming.
They're SO HOT. I mean...come ON. Sadly, one lives in Toronto, and one in Minnesota.
So, what's the problem? Come visit!
Betsy, what everyone else said. He shouldn't have said it that way, but eh. I wouldn't worry.
Yay vw!
Slow night here tonight.
I think people are still recovering from F2F. I'm trying to get a volunteer project done but I keep wandering off to click my browser button.
So, what's the problem? Come visit!
Hey, I'm all for visiting Minneapolis. Sadly, she lives in *Duluth*. What the hell is in Duluth???
Actually, I'd also gladly go to Toronto. Sadly, that one's already got a girlfriend. Sigh. SO HOT.