Hmm. Dogs, Saget. Saget, dogs.
Saget seems like he's wound a little tight. This leads to high blood pressure. You can probably do both if you finesse it right.
I think mostly you're overdue for a dog, though. You need a good dog to go with your good man.
you're overdue for a dog
I dream about having one almost every night.
I dream about having one almost every night.
Awww, see now that just tugs at my heart.
::imagines Rio as a big-eyed Keane painting with really perfect curly hair::
In one dream he had a name: Piney. So that's what we're gonna call him, whenever we get him.
Haha. "Nobody touches the puppy, nobody gets hurt."
Hey! It's my birthday in Chicago already! You should totally buy me a drink.
Come here and I will, bitch!
Haha. "Nobody touches the puppy, nobody gets hurt."
"Ya fuck with Piney, yer fuckin' with me."