Oh, Deena, I just LOVE that first one. But the second one is gorgeous as well.
I'm taking advantage of Emily's wireless connection while she's not home. It comes and goes, but at least I got to catch up on Bitches. How am I supposed to be without Internet till tomorrow?? I mean, really?!
My BIL didn't speak a word until he was 4. Then, his first word was a complete sentence. His parents asked him why he didn't say anything before that and his response was, "I didn't have anything important to say."
So, there ya' go.
I'm taking advantage of Emily's wireless connection while she's not home.
Oh good. I was worried because I'd disabled the connection, but I guess you figured it out.
ETA: I assume the cable's not back yet. How are you doing?
Are you prepared for her to be smarter than you?
Sometimes we wonder.
or darts you a look of mischief as she disobeys.
Really, Susan, she's plenty smart. She just keeps her own counsel.
The latest version, which just started this morning when she woke up and continued when I went to get her out of her crib when she awoke from her nap a few minutes ago, goes as follows: Annabel wakes up in a good mood. I tell her to stand up, since I'm still supposed to be coddling my back, and it's much easier to get her out of the crib that way. She begins to comply, getting as far as hands and knees or a squat, then drops to her stomach, shimmies into the corner, and grins at me. Lather, rinse, repeat, with me improvising something along the lines of "Girls who play games with Mama get TICKLED!" Eventually she decides she's done and stands up and walks over to be picked up.
Oh, Hec, Emmett's Dad is just one of the great things that you are!(seems to me you're awesome at it, though, from my Weird Single Friend opinion) Let's see...that makes the compliment tally between us like 95 to five still, but "sometimes you catch the ball and sometimes it rains."
Here are my new glasses! you can't really tell the color.
It's a godawful pic of me and I'm only showing it because I love you people.
You look kind of...insane.
My BIL didn't speak a word until he was 4. Then, his first word was a complete sentence. His parents asked him why he didn't say anything before that and his response was, "I didn't have anything important to say."
Yeah. Our friend's nephew didn't speak until well after he was three years old, I think. His first "word" was, "The telephone is RINGING," when nobody had gotten to the phone soon enough for his taste. Chris was a late talker. He could talk, but didn't. He started shortly before he turned three. He taught himself to read when he was four. Now he's adding, subtracting, and trying to learn Spanish. By the time he's ten, I'm going to be completely useless to him.
You look kind of...insane.
I was thinking you look contagiously adorable. I dig the new specs.