AIN'T IT FABULOUS!!! You *HAVE* to get "Hypocrite in a White Pouffy Dress".
I lurve it to tiny pieces.
Runs to Amazon.
ION, I am playing with the new playlist maker software I downloaded. I am going to give it one good housecleaning song, and see what it comes up with. If I fail to clean and pack, it will be the obvious fault of the jukebox giving me the wrong songs.
Also, order "Diary of a Manhattan Call Girl". OMG the porn. And a good story.
I actually think I may have read that one!
burning hot
I think I may go to the pool after work. Not that I have one, but several friends do. I may just lay submerged in the water till sunset.
I am still groggy, and so bored I am looking at the 10 Most Wanted on the FBI website, just in case they walk in the door at work.
Em stood for about 3 seconds by HERSELF yesterday! She propped herself up on Kristin's paint cans and then let go! I was so excited!
Oh, yeah! Go, Team Vertical!
Of course, her wanting to play at 3am? Not so endearing or cute. Specially when she has started pulling hair.
Skipping to wish JZ a wonderful birthday!